Ésaïe 54

1 Réjouis-toi, stérile, toi qui n'enfantes plus! Fais éclater ton allégresse et ta joie, toi qui n'as plus de douleurs! Car les fils de la délaissée seront plus nombreux Que les fils de celle qui est mariée, dit l'Eternel.
2 Elargis l'espace de ta tente; Qu'on déploie les couvertures de ta demeure: Ne retiens pas! Allonge tes cordages, Et affermis tes pieux!
3 Car tu te répandras à droite et à gauche; Ta postérité envahira des nations, Et peuplera des villes désertes.
4 Ne crains pas, car tu ne seras point confondue; Ne rougis pas, car tu ne seras pas déshonorée; Mais tu oublieras la honte de ta jeunesse, Et tu ne te souviendras plus de l'opprobre de ton veuvage.
5 Car ton créateur est ton époux: L'Eternel des armées est son nom; Et ton rédempteur est le Saint d'Israël: Il se nomme Dieu de toute la terre;
6 Car l'Eternel te rappelle comme une femme délaissée et au coeur attristé, Comme une épouse de la jeunesse qui a été répudiée, dit ton Dieu.
7 Quelques instants je t'avais abandonnée, Mais avec une grande affection je t'accueillerai;
8 Dans un instant de colère, je t'avais un moment dérobé ma face, Mais avec un amour éternel j'aurai compassion de toi, Dit ton rédempteur, l'Eternel.
9 Il en sera pour moi comme des eaux de Noé: J'avais juré que les eaux de Noé ne se répandraient plus sur la terre; Je jure de même de ne plus m'irriter contre toi Et de ne plus te menacer.
10 Quand les montagnes s'éloigneraient, Quand les collines chancelleraient, Mon amour ne s'éloignera point de toi, Et mon alliance de paix ne chancellera point, Dit l'Eternel, qui a compassion de toi.
11 Malheureuse, battue de la tempête, et que nul ne console! Voici, je garnirai tes pierres d'antimoine, Et je te donnerai des fondements de saphir;
12 Je ferai tes créneaux de rubis, Tes portes d'escarboucles, Et toute ton enceinte de pierres précieuses.
13 Tous tes fils seront disciples de l'Eternel, Et grande sera la prospérité de tes fils.
14 Tu seras affermie par la justice; Bannis l'inquiétude, car tu n'as rien à craindre, Et la frayeur, car elle n'approchera pas de toi.
15 Si l'on forme des complots, cela ne viendra pas de moi; Quiconque se liguera contre toi tombera sous ton pouvoir.
16 Voici, j'ai créé l'ouvrier qui souffle le charbon au feu, Et qui fabrique une arme par son travail; Mais j'ai créé aussi le destructeur pour la briser.
17 Toute arme forgée contre toi sera sans effet; Et toute langue qui s'élèvera en justice contre toi, Tu la condamneras. Tel est l'héritage des serviteurs de l'Eternel, Tel est le salut qui leur viendra de moi, Dit l'Eternel.

Images for Ésaïe 54

Ésaïe 54 Commentary

Chapter 54

The increase of the church by the conversion of the Jews and Gentiles. (1-5) Its certain deliverance. (6-10) Its triumphant state is described. (11-17)

Verses 1-5 Observe the low state of religion in the world, for a long time before Christianity was brought in. But by preaching the gospel, multitudes were converted from idols to the living God. This is matter of great rejoicing to the church. The bounds of the church were extended. Though its state on earth is but mean and movable, like a tent or tabernacle, it is sometimes a growing state, and must be enlarged as the family increases. But the more numerous the church grows, the more she must fortify herself against errors and corruptions. Thy Maker is thy Husband. Christ is the Holy One of Israel, the Mediator of the covenant made with the Old Testament church. Long he had been called the God of Israel; but now he shall be called the God of the whole earth. And he will cleanse from sin, and cause every true believer to rejoice in this sacred union. We never can enough admire this mercy, or duly value this privilege.

Verses 6-10 As God is slow to anger, so he is swift to show mercy. And how sweet the returns of mercy would be, when God should come and comfort them! He will have mercy on them. God's gathering his people takes rise from his mercy, not any merit of theirs; and it is with great mercies, with everlasting kindness. The wrath is little, the mercies great; the wrath for a moment, the kindness everlasting. We are neither to despond under afflictions, nor to despair of relief. Mountains have been shaken and removed, but the promises of God never were broken by any event. Mountains and hills also signify great men. Creature-confidences shall fail; but when our friends fail us, our God does not. All this is alike applicable to the church at large, and to each believer. God will rebuke and correct his people for sins; but he will not cast them off. Let this encourage us to give the more diligence to make our calling and election sure.

Verses 11-17 Let the people of God, when afflicted and tossed, think they hear God speaking comfortably to them by these words, taking notice of their griefs and fears. The church is all glorious when full of the knowledge of God; for none teaches like him. It is a promise of the teaching and gifts of the Holy Spirit. All that are taught of God are taught to love one another. This seems to relate especially to the glorious times to succeed the tribulations of the church. Holiness, more than any thing, is the beauty of the church. God promises protection. There shall be no fears within; there shall be no fightings without. Military men value themselves on their splendid titles, but God calls them, "Wasters made to destroy," for they make wasting and destruction their business. He created them, therefore he will serve his own designs by them. The day is coming when God will reckon with wicked men for their hard speeches, ( Jude 1:15 ) . Security and final victory are the heritage of each faithful servant of the Lord. The righteousness by which they are justified, and the grace by which they are sanctified, are the gift of God, and the effect of his special love. Let us beseech him to sanctify our souls, and to employ us in his service.

Chapter Summary


As the former chapter is a prophecy of the humiliation and exaltation of Christ, of his sufferings and death, and the glory that should follow; this is a prophecy of that part of his glory which relates to the flourishing estate of his church, as the fruit of his death, and explains and enlarges upon the promise of his having a numerous seed. The prophecy reaches from the death and resurrection of Christ to his second coming; and describes the state of the church during that time, which had been like a barren woman, but now fruitful, which was matter of joy; and would increase, and have yet a more numerous issue, through the conversion and accession of the Gentiles; and therefore is bid not to fear, since she should not bear the shame and reproach of widowhood, Isa 54:1-4, the reason confirming which is, because Christ was her husband, who was her Maker and Redeemer, the God of Israel, and of the whole earth, Isa 54:5, and though she might for some time be under some dark providences, and seem to be forsaken of God, and lie under his displeasure; yet she is assured of the love of God towards her, that it is constant and perpetual; which is illustrated by the oath and covenant of God with Noah, and by its being more immovable than mountains and hills, Isa 54:6-10, and though she would sometimes be in a very afflicted and uncomfortable condition, yet should be raised again to a state of great honour and splendour, of spiritual knowledge, peace, and safety, Isa 54:11-14 and that all her enemies, that gathered together against her, should perish, and all their attempts be unsuccessful, since the Lord was on her side, and would defend her cause, and protect her, Isa 54:15-17.

Ésaïe 54 Commentaries

The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.