1 Thessalonicher 4:10-18

10 Und das tut ihr auch an allen Brüdern, die in ganz Mazedonien sind. Wir ermahnen euch aber, liebe Brüder, daß ihr noch völliger werdet
11 und ringet darnach, daß ihr stille seid und das Eure schaffet und arbeitet mit euren eigenen Händen, wie wir euch geboten haben,
12 auf daß ihr ehrbar wandelt gegen die, die draußen sind, und ihrer keines bedürfet.
13 Wir wollen euch aber, liebe Brüder, nicht verhalten von denen, die da schlafen, auf daß ihr nicht traurig seid wie die andern, die keine Hoffnung haben.
14 Denn so wir glauben, daß Jesus gestorben und auferstanden ist, also wird Gott auch, die da entschlafen sind, durch Jesum mit ihm führen.
15 Denn das sagen wir euch als ein Wort des HERRN, daß wir, die wir leben und übrig bleiben auf die Zukunft des HERRN, werden denen nicht zuvorkommen, die da schlafen.
16 denn er selbst, der HERR, wird mit einem Feldgeschrei und der Stimme des Erzengels und mit der Posaune Gottes herniederkommen vom Himmel, und die Toten in Christo werden auferstehen zuerst.
17 Darnach wir, die wir leben und übrig bleiben, werden zugleich mit ihnen hingerückt werden in den Wolken, dem HERRN entgegen in der Luft, und werden also bei dem HERRN sein allezeit.
18 So tröstet euch nun mit diesen Worten untereinander.

1 Thessalonicher 4:10-18 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter the apostle proceeds to exhort in general to the performance of good works, particularly to purity of life, to brotherly love, to quietness, diligence, and industry in the several callings of life, and not to mourn in an excessive and immoderate manner for deceased friends; which leads him to say some things concerning the second coming of Christ, and the resurrection of the dead. The general exhortation to holiness is in 1Th 4:1-3 which is pressed in a way of entreaty for the sake of Christ; and the duties urged to were the commandments of Christ, and which the apostles had given them, and they had received, and were well acquainted with; and besides, a walk according to these commands was well pleasing to God, and sanctification in general was his will: and in particular the apostle exhorts to abstain from fornication, and all uncleanness; since it is a dishonouring the body of man; acting the part of the ignorant Gentiles that know not God; a defrauding another man, as is uncleanness with another man's wife; the vengeance of God will light on such; it is contrary to that calling with which the saints are called, that being to holiness, and not uncleanness; and to despise this exhortation, is casting contempt, not upon man, but God himself, 1Th 4:4-8. Brotherly love is the next thing exhorted to, which seemed needless to write about, since, in regeneration, these saints were taught to exercise it, and had exercised it towards all the brethren throughout Macedonia, though it was necessary to exhort them to abound more and more in it, 1Th 4:9,10 and to study peace and quietness, and be industrious in their business, that so they might live an honest life among their carnal neighbours, and not be in want of anything from them, 1Th 4:11,12 and whereas some of them had lost some of their dear friends and relations by death, and were ready to exceed due bounds in their sorrow for them, he dehorts from such immoderate sorrow, as being like that of those that had no hope of a resurrection from the dead; whereas, seeing it was an article of their faith, that Christ was risen from the dead, they might assure themselves that those that sleep in him shall be brought along with him when he shall appear a second time, 1Th 4:13,14 which will not be prevented by those that are alive when Christ comes; for as they will be changed, the dead in Christ will be raised at his coming; which coming of his will be in person, from heaven, with a shout, the voice of the archangel, and trump of God; and then both shall be caught up together to meet him in the air, and be for ever with him; and therefore they had no need to sorrow as others, since they should meet again, and never part more, and with which words they should comfort one another under their present loss, 1Th 4:15-18.

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