Malaquías 3:1-5

1 El día del juicio venidero
«¡Miren! Yo envío a mi mensajero y él preparará el camino delante de mí. Entonces el Señor al que ustedes buscan vendrá de repente a su templo. El mensajero del pacto a quien buscan con tanto entusiasmo, sin duda vendrá», dice el Señor
de los Ejércitos Celestiales.
2 Pero ¿quién será capaz de soportar su venida? ¿Quién podrá mantenerse de pie y estar cara a cara con él cuando aparezca? Pues él será como un fuego abrasador que refina el metal o como un jabón fuerte que blanquea la ropa.
3 Se sentará como un refinador de plata y quemará la escoria. Purificará a los levitas, refinándolos como el oro y la plata, para que vuelvan a ofrecer sacrificios aceptables al Señor
4 Nuevamente el Señor
recibirá las ofrendas que el pueblo de Judá y Jerusalén le lleven, como lo hizo en el pasado.
5 «En ese día, yo los pondré a juicio. Estoy ansioso por dar testimonio contra todos los hechiceros, los adúlteros y los mentirosos. Declararé en contra de los que estafan a sus empleados con sus sueldos, de los que oprimen a viudas y huérfanos o privan de justicia a los extranjeros que viven entre ustedes, porque gente que hace estas cosas no me teme, dice el Señor
de los Ejércitos Celestiales.

Images for Malaquías 3:1-5

Malaquías 3:1-5 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter begins with a prophecy of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ; and of the coming of Christ, and the effects and consequences of it, with respect both to the righteous and the wicked; and it contains accusations and charges of sin against the Jews, intermixed with exhortations to repentance. John the Baptist is promised to be sent, and is described by his office as a messenger, and by his work, to prepare the way of the Lord; and the Messiah is prophesied of, who is described by his characters; with respect to himself, the Lord and Messenger of the covenant; with respect to the truly godly among the Jews, as the object of their desire and delight; whose coming is spoken of as a certain thing, and which would be sudden; and the place is mentioned he should come into, Mal 3:1 and this his coming is represented as terrible to the wicked, and as trying and purifying to the righteous, expressed by the various similes of a refiner's fire, and fuller's soap; and the end answered by it, their offering a righteous offering to the Lord, Mal 3:2-4 but with respect to the wicked, he declares he should be a swift witness against them, whose characters are particularly given, and this assured from his immutability; the consequence of which to the saints is good, being their security from destruction, Mal 3:5,6 and next a charge is commenced against the wicked Jews, as that in general they had for a long time revolted from the Lord, and were guilty of sins of omission and commission, and are therefore exhorted to return to the Lord, with a promise that he will return to them, and yet they refuse, Mal 3:7 and, in particular, that they were guilty of sacrilege, and so accounted, even the whole nation, in withholding tithes and sacrifices, which they are exhorted to bring in; to which they are encouraged with promises of blessings of prosperity and protection, Mal 3:8-12 and that they had spoken impudent and blasphemous words against the Lord; which, though excepted to, is proved by producing their own words, Mal 3:13-15 and by the contrary behaviour of those that feared the Lord, who were taken notice of by him, and were dear unto him, Mal 3:16,17 wherefore it is suggested, that the time would come when there would be a manifest difference made between the one and the other, Mal 3:18.

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