Amós 2:4-5

4 Así dice el SEÑOR:«Los delitos de Judá han llegado a su colmo;por tanto, no revocaré su castigo:Porque, dejándose descarriar por sus mentiras,tras las cuales anduvieron sus antepasados,rechazaron la ley del SEÑORy no obedecieron sus preceptos.
5 Por eso yo enviaré fuego contra Judá,que consumirá las fortalezas de Jerusalén».

Amós 2:4-5 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter the prophet foretells the calamities that should come upon the Moabites for their transgressions, Am 2:1-3; and the destruction of Judah and Jerusalem for their iniquities, Am 2:4,5; also the judgments of God that should come upon Israel the ten tribes for their sins, which sins are enumerated; their oppression of the poor, their lewdness and idolatry, Am 2:6-8; and which are aggravated by the blessings of goodness bestowed upon them, both temporal and spiritual, Am 2:9-12; wherefore they are threatened with ruin, which would be inevitable, notwithstanding their swiftness, strength, and courage, and their skill in shooting arrows, and riding horses, Am 2:13-16.

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