Jó 36

1 Disse mais Eliú:
2 “Peço-lhe que seja um pouco mais paciente comigo,e mostrarei a você que se pode dizer mais verdades em defesa de Deus.
3 Vem de longe o meu conhecimento;atribuirei justiça ao meu Criador.
4 Não tenha dúvida, as minhas palavras não são falsas;quem está com você é a perfeição no conhecimento.
5 “Deus é poderoso, mas não despreza os homens;é poderoso e firme em seu propósito.
6 Não poupa a vida dos ímpios,mas garante os direitos dos aflitos.
7 Não tira os seus olhos do justo;ele o coloca nos tronos com os reise o exalta para sempre.
8 Mas, se os homens forem acorrentados,presos firmemente com as cordas da aflição,
9 ele lhes dirá o que fizeram,que pecaram com arrogância.
10 Ele os fará ouvir a correçãoe lhes ordenará que se arrependam do mal que praticaram.
11 Se lhe obedecerem e o servirem,serão prósperos até o fim dos seus diase terão contentamento nos anos que lhes restam.
12 Mas, se não obedecerem,perecerão à espada[a]e morrerão na ignorância.
13 “Os que têm coração ímpio guardam ressentimento;mesmo quando ele os agrilhoa eles não clamam por socorro.
14 Morrem em plena juventudeentre os prostitutos dos santuários.
15 Mas aos que sofrem ele os livra em meio ao sofrimento;em sua aflição ele lhes fala.
16 “Ele o está atraindo para longe das mandíbulas da aflição,para um lugar amplo e livre,para o conforto da mesa farta e seleta que você terá.
17 Mas, agora, farto sobre você é o julgamento que cabe aos ímpios;o julgamento e a justiça o pegaram.
18 Cuidado! Que ninguém o seduza com riquezas;não se deixe desviar por suborno, por maior que este seja.
19 Acaso a sua riqueza, ou mesmo todos os seus grandes esforços,dariam a você apoio e alívio da aflição?
20 Não anseie pela noite,quando o povo é tirado dos seus lares.
21 Cuidado! Não se volte para a iniquidade,que você parece preferir à aflição.
22 “Deus é exaltado em seu poder.Quem é mestre como ele?
23 Quem lhe prescreveu os seus caminhosou lhe disse: ‘Agiste mal’?
24 Lembre-se de exaltar as suas obras,às quais os homens dedicam cânticos de louvor.
25 Toda a humanidade as vê;de lugares distantes os homens as contemplam.
26 Como Deus é grande! Ultrapassa o nosso entendimento!Não há como calcular os anos da sua existência.
27 “Ele atrai as gotas de água,que se dissolvem e descem como chuva para os regatos;[b]
28 as nuvens as despejam em aguaceirossobre a humanidade.
29 Quem pode entender como ele estende as suas nuvens,como ele troveja desde o seu pavilhão?
30 Observe como ele espalha os seus relâmpagos ao redor,iluminando até as profundezas do mar.
31 É assim que ele governa[c] as naçõese lhes fornece grande fartura.
32 Ele enche as mãos de relâmpagose lhes determina o alvo que deverão atingir.
33 Seu trovão anuncia a tempestade que está a caminho;até o gado a pressente.[d]

Jó 36 Commentary

Chapter 36

Elihu desires Job's attention. (1-4) The methods in which God deals with men. (5-14) Elihu counsels Job. (15-23) The wonders in the works of creation. (24-33)

Verses 1-4 Elihu only maintained that the affliction was sent for his trial; and lengthened because Job was not yet thoroughly humbled under it. He sought to ascribe righteousness to his Maker; to clear this truth, that God is righteous in all his ways. Such knowledge must be learned from the word and Spirit of God, for naturally we are estranged from it. The fitness of Elihu's discourse to the dispute between Job and his friends is plain. It pointed out to Job the true reason of those trials with which he had been pointed out to Job the true reason of those trials with which he had been visited. It taught that God had acted in mercy towards him, and the spiritual benefit he was to derive from them. It corrected the mistake of his friends, and showed that Job's calamities were for good.

Verses 5-14 Elihu here shows that God acts as righteous Governor. He is always ready to defend those that are injured. If our eye is ever toward God in duty, his eye will be ever upon us in mercy, and, when we are at the lowest, will not overlook us. God intends, when he afflicts us, to discover past sins to us, and to bring them to our remembrance. Also, to dispose our hearts to be taught: affliction makes people willing to learn, through the grace of God working with and by it. And further, to deter us from sinning for the future. It is a command, to have no more to do with sin. If we faithfully serve God, we have the promise of the life that now is, and the comforts of it, as far as is for God's glory and our good: and who would desire them any further? We have the possession of inward pleasures, the great peace which those have that love God's law. If the affliction fail in its work, let men expect the furnace to be heated till they are consumed. Those that die without knowledge, die without grace, and are undone for ever. See the nature of hypocrisy; it lies in the heart: that is for the world and the flesh, while perhaps the outside seems to be for God and religion. Whether sinners die in youth, or live long to heap up wrath, their case is dreadful. The souls of the wicked live after death, but it is in everlasting misery.

Verses 15-23 Elihu shows that Job caused the continuance of his own trouble. He cautions him not to persist in frowardness. Even good men need to be kept to their duty by the fear of God's wrath; the wisest and best have enough in them to deserve his stroke. Let not Job continue his unjust quarrel with God and his providence. And let us never dare to think favourably of sin, never indulge it, nor allow ourselves in it. Elihu thinks Job needed this caution, he having chosen rather to gratify his pride and humour by contending with God, than to mortify them by submitting, and accepting the punishment. It is absurd for us to think to teach Him who is himself the Fountain of light, truth, knowledge, and instruction. He teaches by the Bible, and that is the best book; teaches by his Son, and he is the best Master. He is just in all proceedings.

Verses 24-33 Elihu endeavours to fill Job with high thought of God, and so to persuade him into cheerful submission to his providence. Man may see God's works, and is capable of discerning his hand in them, which the beasts are not, therefore they ought to give him the glory. But while the worker of iniquity ought to tremble, the true believer should rejoice. Children should hear with pleasure their Father's voice, even when he speaks in terror to his enemies. There is no light but there may be a cloud to intercept it. The light of the favour of God, the light of his countenance, the most blessed light of all, even that light has many a cloud. The clouds of our sins cause the Lord to his face, and hinder the light of his loving-kindness from shining on our souls.

Footnotes 4

  • [a]. Ou "atravessarão o Rio"
  • [b]. Ou "destilam como chuva a partir da névoa"
  • [c]. Ou "nutre"
  • [d]. Ou "anuncia a sua vinda, a vinda do que é zeloso contra o mal."

Chapter Summary


This chapter, with the following, contains Elihu's fourth and last discourse, the principal view of which is to vindicate the righteousness of God; which is done by observing the dealings of God with men in his providence, according to their different characters, and from the wonderful works wrought by him in a sovereign manner, and for the benefit of his creatures. This chapter is introduced with a preface, the design of which is to gain attention, Job 36:1-4; the different dealings of God with men are observed, and the different issue of them, and the different ends answered thereby, Job 36:5-15; and it is suggested to Job, that had he attended to the design of the providence he was under, and had submitted to it patiently, things would have been otherwise with him; and therefore Elihu proceeds to give him some advice, which, if taken, would be for his own good, and the glory of God, Job 36:16-25; and closes the chapter by observing the unsearchable greatness of God, as appears by the works of nature wrought by him, Job 36:26-33.

Jó 36 Commentaries

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