1 Reis 12:22-24

22 Entretanto, veio esta palavra de Deus a Semaías, homem de Deus:
23 “Diga a Roboão, filho de Salomão, rei de Judá, às tribos de Judá e Benjamim, e ao restante do povo:
24 Assim diz o SENHOR: Não saiam à guerra contra os seus irmãos israelitas. Voltem para casa, todos vocês, pois fui eu que fiz isso”. E eles obedeceram à palavra do SENHOR e voltaram para as suas casas, conforme o SENHOR tinha ordenado.

1 Reis 12:22-24 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter relates Rehoboam's going to Shechem to be made king, and Jeroboam's return from Egypt, 1Ki 12:1,2, the people's request to Rehoboam to be eased of their taxes, as the condition of making him king, 1Ki 12:3,4, his answer to them, after three days, having had the advice both of the old and young men, which latter he followed, and gave in a rough answer, 1Ki 12:5-15, upon which ten tribes revolted from him, and two abode by him, 1Ki 12:16-20, wherefore he meditated a war against the ten tribes, but was forbid by the Lord to engage in it, 1Ki 12:21-24 and Jeroboam, in order to establish his kingdom, and preserve the people from a revolt to the house of David, because of the temple worship at Jerusalem, devised a scheme of idolatrous worship in his own territories, 1Ki 12:25-33.

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