Matthieu 16

1 Alors des pharisiens et des sadducéens vinrent à lui, et lui demandèrent en le tentant, qu'il leur fît voir quelque miracle du ciel.
2 Mais il leur répondit: Quand le soir est venu, vous dites: Il fera beau temps, car le ciel est rouge.
3 Et le matin: Il y aura aujourd'hui de l'orage, car le ciel est sombre et rouge. Hypocrites! vous savez bien discerner l'apparence du ciel, et vous ne pouvez pas discerner les signes des temps!
4 Une race méchante et adultère demande un miracle; mais on ne lui en accordera aucun autre que celui du prophète Jonas. Et, les laissant, il s'en alla.
5 Et ses disciples, en passant à l'autre bord, avaient oublié de prendre des pains.
6 Et Jésus leur dit: Gardez-vous avec soin du levain des pharisiens et des sadducéens.
7 Sur quoi ils raisonnaient en eux-mêmes, disant: C'est parce que nous n'avons point pris de pains.
8 Et Jésus, l'ayant connu, leur dit: Gens de petite foi, pourquoi raisonnez-vous en vous-mêmes, sur ce que vous n'avez point pris de pains?
9 N'avez-vous point encore d'intelligence, et ne vous souvenez-vous plus des cinq pains des cinq mille hommes, et combien vous en remportâtes de paniers;
10 Ni des sept pains des quatre mille hommes, et combien vous en remportâtes de corbeilles?
11 Comment ne comprenez-vous pas que ce n'est pas au sujet du pain, que je vous ai dit de vous garder du levain des pharisiens et des sadducéens?
12 Alors ils comprirent que ce n'était pas du levain du pain, mais de la doctrine des pharisiens et des sadducéens qu'il leur avait dit de se garder.
13 Et Jésus, étant arrivé dans le territoire de Césarée de Philippe, interrogeait ses disciples, disant: Qui disent les hommes que je suis, moi, le Fils de l'homme?
14 Et ils répondirent: Les uns disent que tu es Jean-Baptiste; les autres, Élie; et les autres, Jérémie, ou l'un des prophètes.
15 Il leur dit: Et vous, qui dites-vous que je suis?
16 Simon Pierre, prenant la parole, dit: Tu es le Christ, le Fils du Dieu vivant.
17 Et Jésus lui répondit: tu es heureux, Simon, fils de Jona; car ce n'est pas la chair et le sang qui t'ont révélé cela, mais mon Père qui est dans les cieux.
18 Et moi, je te dis aussi que tu es Pierre, et que sur cette pierre je bâtirai mon Église, et les portes de l'enfer ne prévaudront point contre elle.
19 Et je te donnerai les clefs du royaume des cieux; et tout ce que tu lieras sur la terre sera lié dans les cieux; et tout ce que tu délieras sur la terre sera délié dans les cieux.
20 Alors il défendit à ses disciples de dire à personne que lui, Jésus, fût le Christ.
21 Dès lors Jésus commença à déclarer à ses disciples qu'il fallait qu'il allât à Jérusalem, et qu'il y souffrît beaucoup de la part des sénateurs, et des principaux sacrificateurs, et des scribes, et qu'il y fût mis à mort, et qu'il ressuscitât le troisième jour.
22 Alors Pierre, l'ayant pris à part, se mit à le reprendre et à lui dire: A Dieu ne plaise, Seigneur! cela ne t'arrivera point.
23 Mais Jésus, se tournant, dit à Pierre: Arrière de moi, Satan! tu m'es en scandale; car tes pensées ne sont pas aux choses de Dieu, mais à celles des hommes.
24 Alors Jésus dit à ses disciples: Si quelqu'un veut venir après moi, qu'il renonce à lui-même, qu'il se charge de sa croix, et me suive.
25 Car quiconque voudra sauver sa vie, la perdra; et quiconque perdra sa vie pour l'amour de moi, la trouvera;
26 Car que servirait-il à un homme de gagner tout le monde, s'il perdait son âme? Ou que donnerait l'homme en échange de son âme?
27 Car le Fils de l'homme doit venir dans la gloire de son Père, avec ses anges; et alors il rendra à chacun selon ses ouvres.
28 Je vous dis en vérité qu'il y en a quelques-uns de ceux qui sont ici présents, qui ne mourront point qu'ils n'aient vu le Fils de l'homme venir en son règne.

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Matthieu 16 Commentary

Chapter 16

The Pharisees and Sadducees ask a sign. (1-4) Jesus cautions against the doctrine of the Pharisees. (5-12) Peter's testimony that Jesus was the Christ. (13-20) Christ foretells his sufferings, and rebukes Peter. (21-23) The necessity of self-denial. (24-28)

Verses 1-4 The Pharisees and Sadducees were opposed to each other in principles and in conduct; yet they joined against Christ. But they desired a sign of their own choosing: they despised those signs which relieved the necessity of the sick and sorrowful, and called for something else which would gratify the curiosity of the proud. It is great hypocrisy, when we slight the signs of God's ordaining, to seek for signs of our own devising.

Verses 5-12 Christ speaks of spiritual things under a similitude, and the disciples misunderstand him of carnal things. He took it ill that they should think him as thoughtful about bread as they were; that they should be so little acquainted with his way of preaching. Then understood they what he meant. Christ teaches by the Spirit of wisdom in the heart, opening the understanding to the Spirit of revelation in the word.

Verses 13-20 Peter, for himself and his brethren, said that they were assured of our Lord's being the promised Messiah, the Son of the living God. This showed that they believed Jesus to be more than man. Our Lord declared Peter to be blessed, as the teaching of God made him differ from his unbelieving countrymen. Christ added that he had named him Peter, in allusion to his stability or firmness in professing the truth. The word translated "rock," is not the same word as Peter, but is of a similar meaning. Nothing can be more wrong than to suppose that Christ meant the person of Peter was the rock. Without doubt Christ himself is the Rock, the tried foundation of the church; and woe to him that attempts to lay any other! Peter's confession is this rock as to doctrine. If Jesus be not the Christ, those that own him are not of the church, but deceivers and deceived. Our Lord next declared the authority with which Peter would be invested. He spoke in the name of his brethren, and this related to them as well as to him. They had no certain knowledge of the characters of men, and were liable to mistakes and sins in their own conduct; but they were kept from error in stating the way of acceptance and salvation, the rule of obedience, the believer's character and experience, and the final doom of unbelievers and hypocrites. In such matters their decision was right, and it was confirmed in heaven. But all pretensions of any man, either to absolve or retain men's sins, are blasphemous and absurd. None can forgive sins but God only. And this binding and loosing, in the common language of the Jews, signified to forbid and to allow, or to teach what is lawful or unlawful.

Verses 21-23 Christ reveals his mind to his people gradually. From that time, when the apostles had made the full confession of Christ, that he was the Son of God, he began to show them of his sufferings. He spake this to set right the mistakes of his disciples about the outward pomp and power of his kingdom. Those that follow Christ, must not expect great or high things in this world. Peter would have Christ to dread suffering as much as he did; but we mistake, if we measure Christ's love and patience by our own. We do not read of any thing said or done by any of his disciples, at any time, that Christ resented so much as this. Whoever takes us from that which is good, and would make us fear to do too much for God, speaks Satan's language. Whatever appears to be a temptation to sin, must be resisted with abhorrence, and not be parleyed with. Those that decline suffering for Christ, savour more of the things of man than of the things of God.

Verses 24-28 A true disciple of Christ is one that does follow him in duty, and shall follow him to glory. He is one that walks in the same way Christ walked in, is led by his Spirit, and treads in his steps, whithersoever he goes. "Let him deny himself." If self-denial be a hard lesson, it is no more than what our Master learned and practised, to redeem us, and to teach us. "Let him take up his cross." The cross is here put for every trouble that befalls us. We are apt to think we could bear another's cross better than our own; but that is best which is appointed us, and we ought to make the best of it. We must not by our rashness and folly pull crosses down upon our own heads, but must take them up when they are in our way. If any man will have the name and credit of a disciple, let him follow Christ in the work and duty of a disciple. If all worldly things are worthless when compared with the life of the body, how forcible the same argument with respect to the soul and its state of never-ending happiness or misery! Thousands lose their souls for the most trifling gain, or the most worthless indulgence, nay, often from mere sloth and negligence. Whatever is the object for which men forsake Christ, that is the price at which Satan buys their souls. Yet one soul is worth more than all the world. This is Christ's judgment upon the matter; he knew the price of souls, for he redeemed them; nor would he underrate the world, for he made it. The dying transgressor cannot purchase one hour's respite to seek mercy for his perishing soul. Let us then learn rightly to value our souls, and Christ as the only Saviour of them.

Matthieu 16 Commentaries

The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.