Daniel 2:1-6

1 Ora no segundo ano do reinado de Nabucodonozor, teve este uns sonhos; e o seu espírito se perturbou, e passou-se-lhe o sono.
2 Então o rei mandou chamar os magos, os encantadores, os adivinhadores, e os caldeus, para que declarassem ao rei os seus sonhos; eles vieram, pois, e se apresentaram diante do rei.
3 E o rei lhes disse: Tive um sonho, e para saber o sonho está perturbado o meu espírito.
4 Os caldeus disseram ao rei em aramaico: ç rei, vive eternamente; dize o sonho a teus servos, e daremos a interpretação
5 Respondeu o rei, e disse aos caldeus: Esta minha palavra é irrevogável se não me fizerdes saber o sonho e a sua interpretação, sereis despedaçados, e as vossas casas serão feitas um monturo;
6 mas se vós me declarardes o sonho e a sua interpretação, recebereis de mim dádivas, recompensas e grande honra. Portanto declarai-me o sonho e a sua interpretação.

Daniel 2:1-6 Meaning and Commentary


The subject of this chapter is a dream which Nebuchadnezzar had dreamed, but had forgot; upon which he calls his magicians and astrologers together, to tell him it, and the interpretation of it; threatening them with death if they did not, and promising them great rewards and honour if they did, Da 2:1-6, they urge the unreasonableness of the demand, and the impossibility of the thing; which so highly incensed the king, that he ordered their immediate destruction, Da 2:7-13, Daniel and his companions being in danger, he goes in to the king, and desires time, and he would show him what he had dreamed; which being granted, he spent it in prayer to God, Da 2:14-18, and the thing being revealed to him, he gave thanks to God, Da 2:19-23, and being introduced to the king, he both told him his dream, and the interpretation of it; which concerned the four monarchies of the world, and the everlasting kingdom of the Messiah, Da 2:24-45, upon which he was highly honoured, and greatly promoted by the king, Da 2:46-49.

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