Salmos 44:5-15

5 Por medio de ti acornearemos a nuestros enemigos; en tu Nombre atropellaremos a nuestros adversarios.
6 Porque no confiaré en mi arco, ni mi espada me salvará.
7 Porque nos has guardado de nuestros enemigos, y has avergonzado a los que nos aborrecían.
8 En Dios nos alabamos todo el tiempo, y para siempre loaremos tu Nombre. (Selah.)
9 Pero nos has desechado, y nos has hecho avergonzar; y no sales en nuestros ejércitos.
10 Nos hiciste retroceder del enemigo, y nos saquearon para sí los que nos aborrecieron.
11 Nos pusiste como a ovejas para comida, y nos esparciste entre los gentiles.
12 Has vendido tu pueblo de balde, y sin precio.
13 Nos pusiste por vergüenza a nuestros vecinos, por escarnio y por burla a los que nos rodean.
14 Nos pusiste por proverbio entre los gentiles, por movimiento de cabeza en los pueblos.
15 Cada día mi vergüenza está delante de mí, y me cubre la confusión de mi rostro,

Salmos 44:5-15 Meaning and Commentary

To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah, Maschil. It is not certain who was the writer of this psalm, nor when it was written, and to what time it belongs: some have thought it was composed by one of the Babylonish captivity, and that it gives an account of the church and people of God in those times; but what is said in Psalm 44:17 does not seem to agree with Daniel 9:5. It is most likely it was written by David, and to him the Targum ascribes it; though it does not respect his times; since what is said in Psalm 44:9 cannot agree with them; yet he being a prophet might, under a prophetic influence, speak of future times, and represent the church in them. Some are of opinion that he prophetically speaks of the times of the Maccabees and of Antiochus, when the church and people of God suffered much for the true religion, and abode steadfast in it; so Theodoret: but rather the whole may be applied to the times of the New Testament, since Psalm 44:22 is cited by the Apostle Paul, Romans 8:36, and is applied to his times, and as descriptive of the suffering state and condition of the church then; and which seems to be the guide and key for the opening of the whole psalm.