Appendix 2: Translations of the Scriptures into English


  1. A paraphrase in poetry by Caedmon of Whitby, 680 A.D.
  2. Two versifications of the Psalms, about 700 A.D.
  3. The Gospel of John by Venerable Bede, finished May 27, 735 A.D.
  4. Exodus and the Psalms, Alfred the Great, 901 A.D.
  5. Two interlinear translations of portions of the Scriptures from the Latin Vulgate, about 950 A.D.
  6. A translation of the greater part of the Bible into Norman French, 1260.
  7. Four versions of the Psalms, and parts of the New Testament, 1350.
  8. John Wyclif; the first complete translation into English from the Vulgate; New Testament completed in 1380, the Old Testament in 1384.
  9. Tyndale; the first translation from the original Hebrew and Greek, 1525-1536.
  10. Coverdale; the first complete Bible ever printed. It was based on the Vulgate, Luther's German Bible, and Tyndale, 1535.
  11. Matthew's (really Roger's) Bible. The first authorized version, 1537.
  12. Crammer's, or the Great Bible, 1539.
  13. The Geneva Bible, published by the English exiles in Geneva, the first Bible with chapter and verse divisions, based on the Vulgate, 1557-1560.
  14. The Bishop's Bible, 1564-1568.
  15. The Authorized, or King James Version, 1611.
  16. The Revised Version; New Testament, 1881; Old Testament, 1884.