Exodus 26

1 tabernaculum vero ita fiet decem cortinas de bysso retorta et hyacintho ac purpura coccoque bis tincto variatas opere plumario facies
2 longitudo cortinae unius habebit viginti octo cubitos latitudo quattuor cubitorum erit unius mensurae fient universa tentoria
3 quinque cortinae sibi iungentur mutuo et aliae quinque nexu simili coherebunt
4 ansulas hyacinthinas in lateribus ac summitatibus facies cortinarum ut possint invicem copulari
5 quinquagenas ansulas cortina habebit in utraque parte ita insertas ut ansa contra ansam veniat et altera alteri possit aptari
6 facies et quinquaginta circulos aureos quibus cortinarum vela iungenda sunt ut unum tabernaculum fiat
7 facies et saga cilicina undecim ad operiendum tectum tabernaculi
8 longitudo sagi unius habebit triginta cubitos et latitudo quattuor aequa erit mensura sagorum omnium
9 e quibus quinque iunges seorsum et sex sibi mutuo copulabis ita ut sextum sagum in fronte tecti duplices
10 facies et quinquaginta ansas in ora sagi unius ut coniungi cum altero queat et quinquaginta ansas in ora sagi alterius ut cum altero copuletur
11 quinquaginta fibulas aeneas quibus iungantur ansae et unum ex omnibus operimentum fiat
12 quod autem superfuerit in sagis quae parantur tecto id est unum sagum quod amplius est ex medietate eius operies posteriora tabernaculi
13 et cubitus ex una parte pendebit et alter ex altera qui plus est in sagorum longitudine utrumque latus tabernaculi protegens
14 facies et operimentum aliud tecto de pellibus arietum rubricatis et super hoc rursum aliud operimentum de ianthinis pellibus
15 facies et tabulas stantes tabernaculi de lignis setthim
16 quae singulae denos cubitos in longitudine habeant et in latitudine singulos ac semissem
17 in lateribus tabulae duae incastraturae fient quibus tabula alteri tabulae conectatur atque in hunc modum cunctae tabulae parabuntur
18 quarum viginti erunt in latere meridiano quod vergit ad austrum
19 quibus quadraginta bases argenteas fundes ut binae bases singulis tabulis per duos angulos subiciantur
20 in latere quoque secundo tabernaculi quod vergit ad aquilonem viginti tabulae erunt
21 quadraginta habentes bases argenteas binae bases singulis tabulis subponentur
22 ad occidentalem vero plagam tabernaculi facies sex tabulas
23 et rursum alias duas quae in angulis erigantur post tergum tabernaculi
24 eruntque coniunctae a deorsum usque sursum et una omnes conpago retinebit duabus quoque tabulis quae in angulis ponendae sunt similis iunctura servabitur
25 et erunt simul tabulae octo bases earum argenteae sedecim duabus basibus per unam tabulam supputatis
26 facies et vectes de lignis setthim quinque ad continendas tabulas in uno latere tabernaculi
27 et quinque alios in altero et eiusdem numeri ad occidentalem plagam
28 qui mittentur per medias tabulas a summo usque ad summum
29 ipsasque tabulas deaurabis et fundes eis anulos aureos per quos vectes tabulata contineant quos operies lamminis aureis
30 et eriges tabernaculum iuxta exemplum quod tibi in monte monstratum est
31 facies et velum de hyacintho et purpura coccoque bis tincto et bysso retorta opere plumario et pulchra varietate contextum
32 quod adpendes ante quattuor columnas de lignis setthim quae ipsae quidem deauratae erunt et habebunt capita aurea sed bases argenteas
33 inseretur autem velum per circulos intra quod pones arcam testimonii et quo sanctuarium et sanctuarii sanctuaria dividentur
34 pones et propitiatorium super arcam testimonii in sancta sanctorum
35 mensamque extra velum et contra mensam candelabrum in latere tabernaculi meridiano mensa enim stabit in parte aquilonis
36 facies et tentorium in introitu tabernaculi de hyacintho et purpura coccoque bis tincto et bysso retorta opere plumarii
37 et quinque columnas deaurabis lignorum setthim ante quas ducetur tentorium quarum erunt capita aurea et bases aeneae

Exodus 26 Commentary

Chapter 26

The curtains of the tabernacle. (1-6) The curtains of goats' hair. (7-14) The boards, sockets, and bars. (15-30) The vail of the holy of holies, and for the entrance. (31-37)

Verses 1-6 God manifested his presence among the Israelites in a tabernacle or tent, because of their condition in the wilderness. God suits the tokens of his favour, and the gifts of his grace, to his people's state and wants. The curtains of the tabernacle were to be very rich. They were to be embroidered with cherubim, signifying that the angels of God pitch their tents round about the church, ( Psalms 34:7 ) .

Verses 7-14 The curtains of meaner materials, being made both longer and broader, covered the others, and were defended by coverings of skins. The whole represents the person and doctrine of Christ, and the church of true Christians, and all heavenly things, which outwardly are mean, but inwardly, and in the sight of God, are glorious and precious.

Verses 15-30 The sockets of silver each weighed about 115 pounds; they were placed in rows on the ground. In every pair of these sockets, a strong board of shittim-wood, covered with plates of gold, was fitted by mortises and tenons. Thus walls were formed for the two sides, and for the west end. The wall was further held together by bars, which passed through rings of gold. Over this the curtains were spread. Though movable, it was strong and firm. The materials were very costly. In all this it was a type of the church of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner-stone, ( ephesians 2:20 ephesians 2:21 ) .

Verses 31-37 A vail, or curtain, separated the holy place from the most holy place. It was hung upon pillars. This vail was for a partition between the holy place and the most holy; which forbade any to look into the holiest of all. The apostle tells what was the meaning of this vail, ( Hebrews 9:8 ) . That the ceremonial law could not make the comers thereunto perfect, nor would the observance of it bring men to heaven; the way into the holiest of all was not made manifest, while the first tabernacle was standing. Life and immortality lay hidden till they were brought to light by the gospel; which was signified by the rending of this vail at the death of Christ, ( Matthew 27:51 ) . We have now boldness to enter into the holiest, in all acts of worship, by the blood of Jesus; yet such as obliges us to holy reverence. Another vail was for the outer door of the tabernacle. This vail was all the defence the tabernacle had. God takes care of his church on earth. A curtain shall be, if God please to make it so, as strong a defence to his house, as gates of brass and bars of iron. With this typical description of Christ and his church before us, what is our judgment of these matters? Do we see any glory in the person of Christ? any excellence in his character? any thing precious in his salvation? or any wisdom in the doctrine of the cross? Will our religion bear examination? and are we more careful to approve our hearts to God than our characters toward men?

Chapter Summary


In this chapter a description is given of the tabernacle itself, and first of its inward curtains, of their number, matter, length, and breadth, and the manner of coupling them together, Ex 26:1-6, and then of the outward curtains of it, their number, matter, length, and breadth, and coupling, and how disposed of, Ex 26:7-13, and next of the two coverings of the tabernacle, of rams' skins and badgers' skins, Ex 22:14, the boards for the tabernacle are also described, with their tenons and sockets, Ex 26:15-25 and the bars and rings for it, by which it was kept firm together, Ex 26:26-30, an account is given of the vail between the holy and the most holy place, Ex 26:31-35, and of the hanging for the door of the tabernacle, Ex 26:36,37.

Exodus 26 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.