Genesis 18:4

4 but I shall bring (thee) a little water, and your feet (can) be washed, and (so) rest ye (yourselves) under the tree;

Genesis 18:4 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 18:4

Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your
Which was very refreshing to travellers in hot countries, who walked barefoot or in sandals; and this he proposes to be done by one of his servants, whose business it was, only desires they would give him leave to order it, ( 1 Samuel 25:41 ) ; and so it was usual in other countries, and in later times, for servants to fetch water to wash the hands and feet of guests F12:

and rest yourselves under the tree;
before the tent door, under which doubtless were seats to sit down upon, where they might rest their weary limbs; it is very probable this was an oak tree, and which, and a turpentine tree the ancient writers speak of, continued unto the times of Constantine, (See Gill on Genesis 13:18); and the Jewish writers say F13, that now near the city (Hebron), between the vineyards, are the oaks of Mamre, where is the house of Abraham our father, on whom be peace, and the tree under which the angels ate, and the stone on which he (Abraham) sat when he was circumcised.


F12 "----- dant manibus famuli lymphas." --Virgil. Aeneid. l. 1.
F13 Cippi Hebr. p. 9. Ed. Hottinger.

Genesis 18:4 In-Context

2 And when Abraham had raised up his eyes, three men appeared to him, and stood nigh [to] him. And when he had seen them, he ran from the door of his tabernacle into the meeting of them, and he worshipped on [the] earth (And when he had seen them, he ran from the door of his tent to meet them, and he bowed low to the ground),
3 and said, Lord (My lords), if I have found grace in thine eyes, pass thou not (by) thy servant,
4 but I shall bring (thee) a little water, and your feet (can) be washed, and (so) rest ye (yourselves) under the tree;
5 and I shall set (before you) a morsel of bread, and your heart (shall) be comforted; (and) afterward ye shall pass [forth]; for therefore (be) ye bowed (aside) to your servant. Which said (And they said to him), Do thou as thou hast spoken.
6 (And) Abraham hasted into the tabernacle, to Sarah, and said to her, Haste thou, mix (up) three half bushels of clean flour; and make thou loaves baken under ashes.
Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.