John 9:1-8

1 And Jesus passing, saw a man blind from the birth.
2 And his disciples asked him, Master, who sinned, this man, or his elders [And his disciples asked him, Rabbi, that is, Master, who sinned, this man, or his father and mother], that he should be born blind?
3 Jesus answered, Neither this man sinned, neither his elders [neither his father and mother]; but that the works of God be showed in him.
4 It behooveth me to work the works of him that sent me, as long as the day is [the while the day is]; the night shall come, when no man may work.
5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
6 When he had said these things, he spat into the earth, and made clay of the spittle, and anointed the clay on his eyes,
7 and said to him, Go, and be thou washed in the water of Siloam, that is to say, Sent. Then he went, and washed, and came seeing. [and said to him, Go, and be thou washen in the water, or cistern, of Siloam, that is interpreted, Sent. Therefore he went, and washed, and came seeing.]
8 And so neighbours, and they that had seen him before, for he was a beggar, said, Whether this is not he, that sat, and begged?
Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.