1 John 5:2

2 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.

1 John 5:2 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.
English Standard Version (ESV)
2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments.
New Living Translation (NLT)
2 We know we love God’s children if we love God and obey his commandments.
The Message Bible (MSG)
2 The reality test on whether or not we love God's children is this: Do we love God? Do we keep his commands?
American Standard Version (ASV)
2 Hereby we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and do his commandments.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
2 We know that we love God's children when we love God by obeying his commandments.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
2 This is how we know that we love God's children when we love God and obey His commands.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
2 How do we know that we love God's children? We know it when we love God and obey his commands.

1 John 5:2 Meaning and Commentary

1 John 5:2

By this we know that we are the children God
The Ethiopic version reads, "by this know that we love God"; which, in connection with what follows, makes a tautology, and is a proving "idem per idem": whereas the apostle's view is to show when love to the saints is right; and that is,

when we love God, and keep his commandments:
love to the brethren may arise from such a cause, as may show that it is not brotherly love, or of a spiritual kind; it may arise from natural relation, or civil friendship, or from a benefit or favour received from them, and from some natural external excellency seen in them; and a man may do acts of love and kindness to the brethren, from what may be called good nature in himself, or with sinister views; but true love to the brethren springs from love to God: such who love the saints aright, and by which they may know they do so, they love them because they themselves love God, and in obedience to his command; they love them because they belong to God, and are the objects of his love; because his grace is wrought in them, and his image stamped upon them.

1 John 5:2 In-Context

1 Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well.
2 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.
3 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,
4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Cross References 2

Scripture quoted by permission.  Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.  NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.  All rights reserved worldwide.