Jó 32

1 E aqueles três homens cessaram de responder a Jó; porque era justo aos seus próprios olhos.
2 Então se acendeu a ira de Eliú, filho de Baraquel, o buzita, da família de Rão; acendeu-se a sua ira contra Jó, porque este se justificava a si mesmo, e não a Deus.
3 Também contra os seus três amigos se acendeu a sua ira, porque não tinham achado o que responder, e contudo tinham condenado a Jó.
4 Ora, Eliú havia esperado para falar a Jó, porque eles eram mais idosos do que ele.
5 Quando, pois, Eliú viu que não havia resposta na boca daqueles três homens, acendeu-se-lhe a ira.
6 Então respondeu Eliú, filho de Baraquel, o buzita, dizendo: Eu sou de pouca idade, e vós sois, idosos; arreceei-me e temi de vos declarar a minha opinião.
7 Dizia eu: Falem os dias, e a multidão dos anos ensine a sabedoria.
8 Há, porém, um espírito no homem, e o sopro do Todo-Poderoso o faz entendido.
9 Não são os velhos que são os sábios, nem os anciãos que entendem o que é reto.
10 Pelo que digo: Ouvi-me, e também eu declararei a minha opinião.
11 Eis que aguardei as vossas palavras, escutei as vossas considerações, enquanto buscáveis o que dizer.
12 Eu, pois, vos prestava toda a minha atenção, e eis que não houve entre vós quem convencesse a Jó, nem quem respondesse �s suas palavras;
13 pelo que não digais: Achamos a sabedoria; Deus é que pode derrubá-lo, e não o homem.
14 Ora ele não dirigiu contra mim palavra alguma, nem lhe responderei com as vossas palavras.
15 Estão pasmados, não respondem mais; faltam-lhes as palavras.
16 Hei de eu esperar, porque eles não falam, porque já pararam, e não respondem mais?
17 Eu também darei a minha resposta; eu também declararei a minha opinião.
18 Pois estou cheio de palavras; o espírito dentro de mim me constrange.
19 Eis que o meu peito é como o mosto, sem respiradouro, como odres novos que estão para arrebentar.
20 Falarei, para que ache alívio; abrirei os meus lábios e responderei:
21 Que não faça eu acepção de pessoas, nem use de lisonjas para com o homem.
22 Porque não sei usar de lisonjas; do contrário, em breve me levaria o meu Criador.

Jó 32 Commentary

Chapter 32

Elihu is displeased at the dispute between Job and his friends. (1-5) He reproves them. (6-14) He speaks without partiality. (15-22)

Verses 1-5 Job's friends were silenced, but not convinced. Others had been present. Elihu was justly displeased with Job, as more anxious to clear his own character than the justice and goodness of God. Elihu was displeased with Job's friends because they had not been candid to Job. Seldom is a quarrel begun, more seldom is a quarrel carried on, in which there are not faults on both sides. Those that seek for truth, must not reject what is true and good on either side, nor approve or defend what is wrong.

Verses 6-14 Elihu professes to speak by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and corrects both parties. He allowed that those who had the longest experience should speak first. But God gives wisdom as he pleases; this encouraged him to state his opinion. By attention to the word of God, and dependence upon the Holy Spirit, young men may become wiser than the aged; but this wisdom will render them swift to hear, slow to speak, and disposed to give others a patient hearing.

Verses 15-22 If we are sure that the Spirit of God suggested what we are about to say, still we ought to refrain, till it comes to our turn to speak. God is the God of order, not of confusion. It is great refreshment to a good man, to speak for the glory of the Lord, and to edify others. And the more we consider the majesty of God, as our Maker, and the more we dread his wrath and justice, the less shall we sinfully fear or flatter men. Could we set the wrath Lord always before us, in his mercies and his terrors, we should not be moved from doing our duty in whatever we are called to do.

Chapter Summary


Job's three friends being silenced, and having no more to say in reply to him, Elihu, of whose descent some account is given, a bystander and hearer of the whole dispute between them, rises up as a moderator, and expresses some anger both against them and Job, Job 32:1-5; he makes an apology for engaging in this controversy, by reason of his youth, and they being advanced in years, Job 32:6,7; but since there is a spirit in man, that gives understanding to men of every age, and old men are not always wise, he desires they would hearken to him while he delivered his sentiments on the subject in debate, Job 32:8-10; and hopes to be heard patiently, since he had waited until they had said all they had to say, and had closely attended to it, and which fell short of convincing Job; and this he was obliged to say, lest they should be wise in their own conceit, and attribute that to men which belongs to God, Job 32:11-13; he proposes to take a new method with Job, different from theirs; and now they hearing all this from a young man, they were filled with amazement, and struck with silence; and after he had waited a while to observe whether they would say anything or not, he determined to take his turn, and show his opinion also, Job 32:14-17; and the rather because he was full of arguments, he was desirous to propose them, and was uneasy until he had brought them out; and which he was resolved to do with all impartiality and integrity, Job 32:18-22.

Jó 32 Commentaries

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