Miquéias 4:3-4

3 E julgará entre muitos povos, e arbitrará entre nações poderosas e longínquas; e converterão as suas espadas em relhas de arado, e as suas lanças em podadeiras; uma nação não levantará a espada contra outra nação, nem aprenderão mais a guerra.
4 Mas assentar-se-á cada um debaixo da sua videira, e debaixo da sua figueira, e não haverá quem os espante, porque a boca do Senhor dos exércitos o disse.

Images for Miquéias 4:3-4

Miquéias 4:3-4 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains some gracious promises concerning the glory and happiness of the church of Christ in the last days; as of its stability, exaltation, and increase, and of the spread of the Gospel from it, Mic 4:1,2; and of the peace and security of it, and constant profession and exercise of religion in it, Mic 4:3-5; and of the deliverance of it from affliction and distress, and the ample and everlasting kingdom of Christ in it, Mic 4:6-8; and then follow some prophecies more particularly respecting the Jews; as that, though they should be in distress, and be carried captive into Babylon, they should be delivered from thence, Mic 4:9,10; and, though many people should be gathered against them, yet should not be able to prevail over them, but their attempts would issue in their own destruction, Mic 4:11-13.

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