Compare Translations for Acts 14:18

18 Even though they said these things, they barely stopped the crowds from sacrificing to them.
18 Even with these words they scarcely restrained the people from offering sacrifice to them.
18 And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them.
18 Talking fast and hard like this, they prevented them from carrying out the sacrifice that would have honored them as gods - but just barely.
18 Even saying these things, with difficulty they restrained the crowds from offering sacrifice to them.
18 Even with these words, they had difficulty keeping the crowd from sacrificing to them.
18 And with these sayings they could scarcely restrain the multitudes from sacrificing to them.
18 But even with these words, Paul and Barnabas could scarcely restrain the people from sacrificing to them.
18 Even with these words, they scarcely restrained the crowds from offering sacrifice to them.
18 And with these sayings scarce restrained they the multitudes from doing sacrifice unto them.
18 And even with these words, it was hard for them to keep the people from making an offering to them.
18 Even with these words, they barely kept the crowds from sacrificing to them.
18 Even with these words, they barely kept the crowds from sacrificing to them.
18 Even saying this barely kept the crowds from sacrificing to them.
18 And saying these things, they with difficulty kept the crowds from sacrificing to them.
18 Even with these words the apostles could hardly keep the crowd from offering a sacrifice to them.
18 Even with these words the apostles could hardly keep the crowd from offering a sacrifice to them.
18 Although Paul and Barnabas said these things, they hardly kept the crowd from sacrificing to them.
18 Even saying these things, they hardly stopped the multitudes from making a sacrifice to them.
18 And with these words they scarcely restrained the people, that they not sacrifice unto them.
18 And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them.
18 And [although] they said these [things], [only] with difficulty did they dissuade the crowds from offering sacrifice to them.
18 Even with these words, they were barely able to keep the crowd from offering sacrifices to them.
18 Paul and Barnabas told them all these things. But they had trouble keeping the crowd from offering sacrifices to them.
18 Even with these words, they scarcely restrained the crowds from offering sacrifice to them.
18 (14-17) And speaking these things, they scarce restrained the people from sacrificing to them.
18 With these words they scarcely restrained the people from offering sacrifice to them.
18 With these words they scarcely restrained the people from offering sacrifice to them.
18 καὶ ταῦτα λέγοντες μόλις κατέπαυσαν τοὺς ὄχλους τοῦ μὴ θύειν αὐτοῖς.
18 But even with these sayings they scarcely restrained the people from doing sacrifice unto them.
18 But even with these sayings they scarcely restrained the people from doing sacrifice unto them.
18 And with these sayinges scase refrayned they the people that they had not done sacrifice vnto them.
18 supervenerunt autem quidam ab Antiochia et Iconio Iudaei et persuasis turbis lapidantesque Paulum traxerunt extra civitatem aestimantes eum mortuum esse
18 supervenerunt autem quidam ab Antiochia et Iconio Iudaei et persuasis turbis lapidantesque Paulum traxerunt extra civitatem aestimantes eum mortuum esse
18 And with these sayings they scarce restrained the people from doing sacrifice to them.
18 Even saying these things, they hardly stopped the multitudes from making a sacrifice to them.
18 Even with words like these they had difficulty in preventing the thronging crowd from offering sacrifices to them.
18 And they saying these things, scarcely assuaged the people, that they offered not to them.
18 and these things saying, scarcely did they restrain the multitudes from sacrificing to them.

Acts 14:18 Commentaries