4 Daily Rhythms That Will Help You Experience God

Christianity.com Contributing Writer
4 Daily Rhythms That Will Help You Experience God

Read Joshua 3:1-17.

As soon as the priests’ feet hit the water, the river parted and “stood and rose up in a heap very far away” (verse 16) to allow those millions of people to walk through on dry ground. It would have been amazing to behold the miraculous work of God at that moment. Just as he promised, this was a clear sign for everyone that God was alive, present, trustworthy, and powerful. If God could part the waters, he could defeat their enemies!

After taking the time to rest well, consecrate themselves, receive instructions, and follow the presence of God, they were poised to experience the working of God. Considering this passage, we can learn four routines to start doing every day in order to experience the working of God in our own lives as well.

Many people are so “plugged in,” stressed by work and coping with unhealthy habits that they do not often sleep well at night. But to be fully awake, aware, and active during the day, we have to develop a rhythm of good rest.

Consecrating yourself involves the “Pray First” principle. In the morning, before you get up, grab your phone, watch the news, make coffee, or whatever you do: pray. In that short prayer, thank God for the day, ask for his direction, and submit yourself to his will. You do not have to pray long, but pray first.

While God speaks to us in a variety of ways (such as through songs, experiences, and other people), the main way that we can hear God speak and receive his instructions is through reading his spoken and written Word. Reading the Bible is an indispensable daily rhythm for Christians.

Following God means that we take what we read in the Bible and put it into practice. It means that we follow the Holy Spirit’s prompting after asking for wisdom to make the right decision. It means we do as Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” Attending a worship service and Small Group once a week is important, too, but the rhythm of following God must be daily.

These four routines of resting, consecrating, receiving, and following will lead us to experience God more fully in our lives. I know this because God is already working. We just do not always have our spiritual eyes open to recognize his hand at work.

As you put these daily rhythms into practice, write down ways you see God working and share them with another believer in Christ.

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Jean-Daniel Francoeur

Robert Hampshire is a pastor, teacher, writer, and leader. He has been married to Rebecca since 2008 and has three children, Brooklyn, Bryson, and Abram. Robert attended North Greenville University in South Carolina for his undergraduate and Liberty University in Virginia for his Masters. He has served in a variety of roles as a worship pastor, youth pastor, family pastor, church planter, and now Pastor of Worship and Discipleship at Cheraw First Baptist Church in South Carolina. He furthers his ministry through his blog site, Faithful Thinking, and his YouTube channel. His life goal is to serve God and His Church by reaching the lost with the gospel, making devoted disciples, equipping and empowering others to go further in their faith and calling, and leading a culture of multiplication for the glory of God. Find out more about him here.