A Simple Prayer When You Are Lonely

Life is full of incidents that only separate us from friends, family, but society as a whole. In our feelings of isolation we tend to feel alone and unloved. Those are feelings that lead us down a wrong path when it comes to hearing from God. There is a kind of “lonely” feeling that tricks our minds into a thought pattern of sadness and self-pity. The fact of God’s love is not connected by isolation of any kind. As children of God, He never leaves us to face or go through whatever the circumstance or crisis alone nor does He expect us to plow through it by ourselves.
Those lonely feelings are common when death comes, in loss of relationships or when fear comes in. So what can we pray when we don’t think anyone, especially God, is listening? When the lonely feelings hit my heart, I have to remember that God loves me all the same and I just need to be reminded of His great love for me. It’s normal to feel lonely or unloved by the ebb and flow of the circumstances that surround us.
I simply pray… “God, show me how much you love me.”
God will answer that prayer in a way that will reveal His love for you. God loves it when we ask Him to show His love, He loves to show off because He IS love. His love never, ever fails to prove otherwise.
If you are feeling alone, we must remember that God sees us andoversees all of His creation. We are not invisible to God, nor are the circumstances that isolate us. God sees ALL affairs of ALL His people, His creation, and cares in a way that no man could ever match. Here are some promises of His presence in our lives.
1. Deuteronomy 31:6, 8 – Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified …for the LORD your God goes with you; “He will never leave you nor forsake you.” V.8 ads “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” What a promise that God not only goes with us, sees us, but doesn’t abandon us. He removes all the fear that discourages us too.
2. Psalms 94:14 “For the LORD will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance.” The Lord never sends us away from Him, nor does He want us to run from Him. He doesn’t reject His own people, if you have received Jesus in your heart, then you too are a child of God and considered His inheritance. He doesn’t abandon His own children. If you have accepted Him as Savior, you always have a friend you can turn to.
3. Romans 8:38-39 “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Don’t doubt God’s love for you. If you can’t feel His love wrapped around you, then remind yourself that you are loved by God and that He knows how lonely you feel. He is thinking of you constantly, and loves you because of what Jesus has done for you. His love doesn’t depend on your behavior but what Jesus has already proven on the cross for you.
In conclusion: We may leave God, but He will never leave us. We are His children by faith and acceptance of what Jesus has proven on the cross for us. That gives us ownership into the family of God and an inheritance of Heaven. When we know and believe our identity is in Jesus that fact alone gives us great worth, value and a belonging that never leaves us lonely. When we believe, confess and accept Jesus that also means we have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of our hearts. That’s the presence of God, our Father taking up residence inside our bodies and dwelling there.
We are carriers of God’s Holy Spirit who comforts us when we are lonely and helps us through the tough times. He also helps us understand that we are loved by God. Our enemy, the Devil, doesn’t want us to know or remember that God is on our side. He also likes to whisper fears and lies into our minds to make us think that no one knows our struggles and that God is too busy to help us. God’s love never fails, and His love casts out all fears. No matter how bleak the situation, no matter how empty the feelings are, God will never leave you! His promises are true. His word is above all! We can move forward because, He goes before us. If God be for us, who can be against us?
Image credit: Unsplash.com/AndrewLe