Singing Rocks - Grace Moments Devotions - March 25, 2018

Singing Rocks - Grace Moments Devotions - March 25, 2018

Singing rocks
Pastor Mark Jeske

It’s fun to listen to children trying to wrap their minds around God’s divine attributes—all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal in past and future, present everywhere. “Dad, if God is all-powerful, that means he can do anything, right?” “Yep.” “Well, then, can he make a rock so big he can’t lift it?”

God is indeed omnipotent, but there are some things he won’t do. He refuses to force anyone to worship him. Worship, like love, cannot be forced. It must be given freely or it is meaningless. On the day in which King Jesus rode into Jerusalem on his little mount, he must have found immense delight in the praises and hosannas that he received along his route. Surely there was faith to be found in Israel!

Some wouldn’t give it, though. “Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, rebuke your disciples!’ ‘I tell you,’ he replied, ‘if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out’” (Luke 19:39,40). God will be worshiped. He can make stones sing if his angels run out of breath.

But he won’t make you. This Palm Sunday, give it up for your humble Servant-King, who willingly rode to his death so that he could give you life. Wave your palm branches; bend your knee; surrender your heart; and give him the obedience, adoration, and service he deserves.

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