12 Easy Prayers to Say with Kids at Bedtime

12 Easy Prayers to Say with Kids at Bedtime

Passing along the Christian faith and teaching children about God is an essential responsibility of parents. The Bible teaches that parents should train their children up in the way they should go (see Proverbs 22:6). Prayer is a beautiful and life-giving spiritual practice to teach a child, because prayer is how we learn to talk to God and develop a relationship with Him.

As an encouragement to parents, when we teach children to pray, we don’t need to be lofty or eloquent in the words we use. We can show children how to simply come before God and talk to Him as their friend. When your child learns to pray, they will be equipped for whatever comes their way in life because they will know how to turn to God. Creating a routine around prayer is a great way to help your child establish this spiritual practice in their life. Below are 12 prayers you can say with your child at bedtime.

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little girl sleeping peacefully in bed with teddy bear, now i lay me down to sleep

Why Pray with Kids at Bedtime?

Prayer is an important faith practice that helps teach children what it means to live for and be in a relationship with Jesus. It is beneficial for children to have good routines in place; this includes creating good habits around spiritual practices, as well. Praying with your child at bedtime can help them see God as part of their daily lives and helps a child to begin creating good spiritual lifestyles that they will carry throughout their lives.

Bedtime can be a tough time for most kids at some point in their development. Some kids go through seasons of nightmares, or being afraid of the dark, or not wanting to be alone in their bedroom. Prayer can be one way to help a child cast their fears, worries, and concerns at the feet of Jesus as they lay their heads to rest for the night. Children are never too young to learn that God is their ever present help (see Psalm 46:1) and He is just a prayer away.

12 Prayers to Say with Kids

As you and your child begin making prayer a part of their bedtime routine, you may want to have your child repeat after you as you say a prayer, let them listen to learn how to pray, or ask if they have anything they’d like to add or say to Jesus. You can also teach your child how to close their eyes, clasp their hands, or kneel beside their bed as they pray.

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dad holding infant baby asleep on his shoulder

Bedtime Prayers for Children: Prayers to Pray over Your Baby

1. Heavenly Father,

I thank you for this precious little baby who is full of life and joy. I ask your blessing over this child tonight, that you would watch over him/her. I pray that he/she would sleep well through the night, and be surrounded by your loving presence of peace. Help this little one to have peace during the day, and that you would help our baby boy/girl to feel safe and loved. We pray all this in Jesus’ name,


2. Gracious and loving God,

Watch over my little one through the night. Help him/her to sleep soundly and begin to learn to sleep all the way until morning. I thank you for this precious baby, Lord. Let our days be filled with more joy and more love because of this little one. Let there be peace in our home as you bless us. We pray this in Jesus’ name,


Simple Prayers for Toddlers

3. Dear Jesus,

Thank you for this day. Thank you for my family and the good friends we got to see today. Help us have a good night’s rest and a happy day tomorrow. In Jesus’ name we pray,


4. Dear Jesus,

Thank you for this beautiful day. We love you and are so grateful for all the ways you take care of our family and friends. Watch over us through the night and help us to have a good and fun day tomorrow. In Jesus’ name we pray,


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mom praying with child outside

Prayers to Say with Young Kids

5. Dear Jesus,

Thank you for loving me. Please help my heart to be filled with your joy, and help me to love others just like you love me. Thank you for all the ways you bless me and bring goodness to my family and my friends. God, help me to have a good night’s rest and to wake up feeling good and refreshed in the morning. Help me to tell others about you, Jesus. In Jesus’ name we pray,


6. Dear Jesus,

Please help my family and friends to feel better and to be ok. Thank you so much for hearing my prayers and always listening to me when I talk to you. Help us to have a good day tomorrow with our friends and family, and when I go to school. Help me to listen to my teacher, and be kind to my classmates. Jesus, thank you for taking care of me. Help me and my family to have a good night tonight and a blessed day tomorrow. In Jesus’ name we pray,


Prayers to Say with Tweens/Teens

7. Dear Jesus,

Thank you for today and for the good times I had. I know that you were with me every step of the way. Please help me each day to remember how much you love me and that you watch over me. Help me to get along with my friends at school, to be able to focus on what I’m learning, and to ask when I need help. I know that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Please bless my family and my friends, and help me to grow closer to you. I love you, Jesus. In your name I pray,


8. Dear Jesus,

Thank you for being so kind and loving. I have a lot on my mind and heart, God. Please, help me not to worry about school, or friends, but to trust that you will help me. I ask that I would be strong and courageous because you will be with me. I pray, Lord, that you will give me sweet dreams and a good night’s rest. Please, help me to keep my mind on you as I go about my day tomorrow, and I ask that you protect my family and friends. In Jesus’ name I pray,


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Parent comforting a sad/scared child

Bedtime Prayers for Children: Prayer for Peace for Fearful Children

9. Heavenly Father,

You are good and full of mercy. Please help my child to feel peace in his/her heart and to not be overwhelmed with anxiety and fear. We know that you did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and sound mind. Tonight, let him/her be at rest and sleep soundly through the night. We ask Lord that your spirit of peace would surround my child and that he/she would feel safe in your arms. We cast out fear, and anxiety, and worry, and instead ask that joy and hope would consume his/her thoughts and feelings. We ask for a good night ahead and a blessed day tomorrow for our family. Thank you for hearing these prayers, Jesus, which we ask in your holy name.


Prayer for Restless Children

10. Lord,

I lift up my child to you in prayer who is restless and who is struggling to be calm and find peace. We know that you are the prince of peace and that you grant us peace beyond all understanding. You are the God who is with us and for us, and I pray that my child would find comfort in you. That my son/daughter would walk in your perfect peace. Father, I ask that my child’s thoughts would quiet down and that he/she would put his/her mind on you, not worrying about today or tomorrow, but finding rest in your loving presence. I ask all this in Jesus’ most holy name,


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forgiveness in the bible, bible verses about forgiveness, scriptures on forgiveness

Prayer for Child’s Identity in Christ and Self-Confidence

11. Gracious and loving God,

I pray that my child will find their identity in Christ. I ask that my child would not be influenced in negative ways by his/her peers, or social media, or from what he/she sees on TV or hears in music. I pray, Lord, that my child would read your word, and let that fill his/her mind, helping my child to know who he/she is in Christ. Help my child to be confident that they are fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. Let my child feel worthy and loved by you. I pray this in Jesus’ mighty name,


Prayer for a Deep Relationship with Jesus

12. Heavenly Father,

I thank you for my child and the honor to be their parent/caregiver. Lord, I ask that he/she would love you with all his/her heart, mind, and strength. I pray that my child would make you the center of their life and that he/she would come to know you as their Lord and Savior. I ask that my son/daughter would love you and pursue a vibrant relationship with you all of their days. Help me to encourage them in their faith and teach them about how good and loving you are. In your name I pray,


Model Good Habits

It is beautiful and exciting to see a child’s faith begin to develop and grow. As parents, caregivers, and others who are investing in a child, we have a unique place in their lives to help them understand who God is and point them to having a vibrant relationship with Jesus. Prayer is a key way for children to begin talking to and connecting with God. By creating good spiritual habits, such as praying at bedtime with your child, you are modeling faith and showing them how to keep God in their daily life. As you model a rich prayer life, the child in your life will begin to make prayer a priority, too.

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Photo credit: ©Getty Images/lvdesign77

Pamela Palmer 1200x1200Pamela Palmer is a writer, speaker, and the founder of upheldlife.com, the platform on which she produces devotionals and faith resources to inspire keeping faith at the center of life. She is in pastoral ministry and gets to share in the emotional and spiritual lives of others. She lives and thrives on Jesus, coffee, and music. She is the author of Living a Deeper Faith: Nurture Your Relationship with God and Live a Faith-Fueled Life. Pamela married the perfect man for her and they have two beautiful kiddos. She has been published on herviewfromhome.com, and you can follow her at upheldlife.com or on Facebook.com/upheldlife.