Cantares 7

1 ¡Cuán hermosos son tus pies en las sandalias, oh hija de príncipe! Las curvas de tus caderas son como joyas, obra de manos de artífice.
2 Tu ombligo, como una taza redonda que nunca le falta vino mezclado; tu vientre como montón de trigo cercado de lirios.
3 Tus dos pechos, como dos crías mellizas de gacela.
4 Tu cuello, como torre de marfil, tus ojos, como los estanques en Hesbón junto a la puerta de Bat-rabim; tu nariz, como la torre del Líbano que mira hacia Damasco.
5 Tu cabeza te corona como el Carmelo, y la cabellera suelta de tu cabeza es como hilos de púrpura; el rey está preso en tus trenzas.
6 ¡Qué hermosa y qué encantadora eres, amor mío, con todos tus encantos!
7 Tu estatura es semejante a la palmera, y tus pechos, a sus racimos.
8 Yo dije: "Subiré a la palmera, asiré sus frutos. ¡Sean tus pechos como racimos de la vid, el perfume de tu aliento como manzanas,
9 y tu paladar como el mejor vino! LA ESPOSA: Entra suavemente el vino en mi amado, como fluye por los labios de los que se duermen .
10 Yo soy de mi amado, y su deseo tiende hacia mí.
11 Ven, amado mío, salgamos al campo, pasemos la noche en las aldeas.
12 Levantémonos temprano y vayamos a las viñas; veamos si la vid ha brotado, si se han abierto sus flores, y si han florecido los granados. Allí te entregaré mi amor.
13 Las mandrágoras han exhalado su fragancia, y a nuestras puertas hay toda clase de frutas escogidas, tanto nuevas como añejas, que he guardado, amado mío, para ti.

Cantares 7 Commentary

Chapter 7

The graces of the church. (1-9) The delight of the church in Christ. (10-13)

Verses 1-9 The similitudes here are different from what they were before, and in the original refer to glorious and splendid clothing. Such honour have all his saints; and having put on Christ, they are distinguished by their beautiful and glorious apparel. They adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things. Consistent believers honour Christ, recommend the gospel, and convince and awaken sinners. The church resembles the stately and spreading palm; while her love for Christ, and the obedience resulting therefrom, are precious fruit of the true Vine. The King is held in the galleries. Christ takes delight in the assemblies and ordinances of his people; and admires the fruit of his grace in them. When applied to the church and to each faithful Christian, all this denotes that beauty of holiness, in which they shall be presented to their heavenly Bridegroom.

Verses 10-13 The church, the believing soul, triumphs in its relation to Christ, and interest in him. She humbly desires communion with him. Let us walk together, that I may receive counsel, instruction, and comfort from thee; and may make known my wants and my grievances to thee, with freedom, and without interruption. Communion with Christ is what all that are made holy earnestly breathe after. And those who would converse with Christ, must go forth from the world. Wherever we are, we may keep up communion with God. Nor should we go where we cannot in faith ask him to go with us. Those who would go abroad with Christ, must begin early in the morning of their days; must begin every day with him, seek him early, seek him diligently. A gracious soul can reconcile itself to the poorest places, if it may have communion with God in them; but the most delightful fields will not satisfy, unless the Beloved is there. Let us not think to be satisfied with any earthly object. Our own souls are our vineyards; they should be planted with useful trees. We should often search whether we are fruitful in righteousness. Christ's presence will make the vine flourish, and the tender grapes appear, as the returning sun revives the gardens. If we can appeal to him, Thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee; if his Spirit witness with our spirit, that our souls prosper, it is enough. And we must beg of him to search and try us, to discover us to ourselves. The fruits and exercises of graces are pleasant to the Lord Jesus. These must be laid up, and always ready; that by our bringing forth much fruit, he may be glorified. It is all from him, therefore it is fit it should be all for him.

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. Algunas versiones antiguas dicen: labios y dientes

Chapter Summary


In this chapter Christ gives a fresh commendation of the beauty of his church, in a different order and method than before; beginning with her "feet", and so rising upwards to the "hair" of her head, and the roof of her mouth, So 7:1-9; And then the church asserts her interest in him, and his desire towards her, So 7:10; and invites him to go with her into the fields, villages, and vineyards, and offers various reasons, by which she urges him to comply with her invitation, So 7:11-13.

Cantares 7 Commentaries

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