A Commendation and An Appeal


After the Bible, a concordance, a Bible dictionary and, perhaps, an all-round work like Angus' "Bible Hand-Book," the next book I would recommend as indispensable for the library of the pastor, missionary or Christian worker of today is, "Christianity and Anti-Christianity in Their Final Conflict," by Be v. Samuel J. Andrews. As to its scholarship it is only necessary to know that the author is he who wrote "The Life of Our Lord," which is recognized as the best history of Christ from the chronological standpoint ever published.

Samuel J. Andrews, who recently passed away "full of days," was not only a Bible student of exceptional insight and breadth of vision, but a prophet for these times beyond any man I know. I can say this without necessarily agreeing with all his interpretations of truth, as I do not.

In this work he is dealing soberly and scientifically with the conflict in which we are now engaged, treating, first, of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments respecting the Antichrist and the falling away of the Church, and then the tendencies which are preparing the way for the final climax of the age. These tendencies include modern philosophy, Biblical criticism, science, literature and Christian socialism, leading up to the deification of humanity. The book concludes with a foreview of the actual reign of the Antichrist on earth as the head of the nations, and a study of the Church of that period and the morality that shall prevail.

Originally put out by a New York publisher some years ago, the book commanded so high a price, that, although passing through more than one edition, the larger Christian public never became acquainted with it. And therefore the Bible Institute Colportage Association, at my solicitation, has now obtained the right to bring out a further printing of it, at a more popular figure. It is not a commercial venture on their part, but a Christian philanthropy.

Pastors, missionaries, Sunday-school teachers and social workers, bear with me if I say, you must read this book. By Divine grace, I have a large acquaintance among you, wherever the Gospel is preached, and I appeal to you, by whatever spiritual tie unites us, to become acquainted with what this prophet of the twentieth century has to teach. Here are no wild fancies, no foolish setting of times and seasons, no crude and sensational interpretations of prophecy, but a calm setting forth of what the Bible says on the most important subject for these times. The Christian leader who does not know these things is no leader, but the blind leading the blind. And, oh, there are so many of such leaders!

James M. Gray.

The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago