


Acts, Book of, 32-40, should be al-
lowed to help in interpreting the
Pauline Epistles, 125

Adonis, 3Hf., religion of, 234f.

Adoptionist Christology, not found
in Pauline Epistles, 118

Agabus, 33f., 78

Agrae, mysteries of, 217

Alexander the Great, 220

Alexandria, Church at, 16

Ananias (in Acts), 71

Ananias (in Josephus), 12

Andronicus and Junias, 140f.

Anrich, 212

Antioch, 29f., 77ff., 122ff.: Apostolic
Decree addressed to, 94ff.; Peter
at, 97-106; Church at, 16

Antioch, pre-Pauline Christianity of:
not channel by which pagan re-
ligion influenced Paul, 257if.; how
investigated, 257-259; not essen-
tially different from that of Je-
rusalem, 259f.; did it originate
application of term "Lord" to
Jesus, 299, 303-307

Apocalypses, Jewish, not used by
Paul, 192f.

Apocrypha, Old Testament, 182f.

A polios, 109

Apostles, the original: attitude to-
ward Paul at the Apostolic Coun-
cil, 86f.; relation with Paul, 120-
137; observed Mosaic Law, 126-
128; were inwardly free from
Law, 127f.; agreed with Paul
about the person of Christ, 135-
137; contact with Paul, 139

Apostolic Council, the, 39, 80-100

Apostolic Decree, the, 87-98, 110:
was accompanied by Judas and
Silas, 140

Apostolic Fathers, the, 6

Apuleius, 222f., 233f., 241

Arabia, Paul's journey to, 71-74

Aretas, 74

"Asclepius," the, 242

Atargatis, 235
Athenodorus, 45

Athletic games, use of figures re-
garding the, by Paul, 260

Attis, 314-316: religion of, 227-231;
mysteries of, 283

Baals, the Syrian, 235
Bacchanalian rites in Italy, 250
Bacon, B. W., 91, 139, 181, 197
Baldensperger, 178, 192, 204
Baptism, in pagan religion, 280f.
Baptism for the dead, 288
Barnabas, 16, 78ff., 83f., 99: was car-
ried away with Peter at Antioch,
102; dispute with Paul, 105-107;
relations with Paul, 106f.; was
member of Jerusalem Church,
137f.; contact with Paul, 137f.
Barnabas, Epistle of, 18
Baruch, Second Book of, 180, 191
Baur, F. C, 6, 31, 37, 85, 105, 107,

119ff., 124f., 128 f.
Beecher, 182
Bengel, 103
Beyschlag, 60, 63, 65
Bible, introduction of the, into Indo-
European civilization, 20
Blass, 90

Biihlig, 45, 141, 300

Bousset, W., 28-30, 47, 49, 52, 67, 72,
78, 156, 161, 172-199, 204-207, 244,
257-262, 267f., 270, 274, 278, 293-

BrUckner, 27, 185, 191, 194ff., 205f.,

211, 234, 313, 315
Buddhism, early, 274
Burton, E. D., 267f., 271
Byblos, 231, 234f.

Charles, 180, 186, 188, 190

"Christ," the term, 297f.

Christianity, origin of: importance
of the question, 3f.; two ways of
investigating, 4f.; testimony of
Paul to, 4f.

Christianity, monotheism of, 306
"Christians," first application of the
name, 78

Christology, the Pauline: not derived
from pre-Christian Jewish doc-
trine of the Messiah, 173-207; not
derived from pre-Christian Jewish
doctrine of Wisdom, 199-204; not
derived from pagan religion, 293-

Christ-party, the, at Corinth, 120
Circumcision, 17
Clemen, 262

Clement of Alexandria, 230, 281
Clement of Rome, 105
Colossse, errorists in, 129f.
Colossians, Epistle to the, 31, 104
Corinthian Charch, parties in the,

Corinthians, Epistles to the, 31

Cornelius, 16, 19, 83

Cross of Christ, the, 19, 63f.

Cult, Bousset's exaggeration of the

importance of the, 3O3fl*.
Cumont, 212, 227ff., 232, 236, 243f.,

247, 281 f.
Cybele, religion of, 8, 227-231
Cybele and Attis, mysteries of, 229-


Cynics, the, 225
Dalman, 187

Damascus, 71ff., 76: preaching of
Paul at, 72f.; escape of Paul from,

Damascus, pre-Pauline Christianity
of: how investigated, 257-259; not
channel by which pagan religion
influenced Paul, 257ff.; not es-
sentially different from that of
Jerusalem, 259f.; did it originate
application of the term "Lord" to
Jesus, 299

Date, question of, with reference to
pagan ideas and practices, 237-41

Death of Christ, the, was voluntary,

Death and resurrection of Jesus: his-
toricity of, 312f.; not derived from
the cult, 315f.

Death and resurrection of pagan
gods, the myths concerning,
thought to have been derived from
the cults, 315f.

Deification: in pagan religion, 245,
263; not found in Paul, 263-265

Demeter, 217f.

Denney, James, 155, 304

Dieterich, 246f., 251

Dionysus, 215f., religion of, 282f.

Dispersion, Judaism of the: was it
"liberal," 175-177; did not produce
Gentile mission of Paul, 175ff.

Drews, 294

Dualism of Hellenistic age, different

from Paulinism, 276
Dying and rising god, the, 211, 234f.,

237, 312-316

Ebionites, the, 125f.

Ecclesiasticus, 200

Eleusis, mysteries of, 217-219, 281

Emmet, 81, 176, 180

Emperors, worship of the, 221

Enoch, First Book of, 181, 184, 186-

189, 193, 198f., 203
Epicureans, the, 225
Ephesians, Epistle to the, 31, 104
Erman, 314

Eschatology, consistent, 156f.
Essenes, 177

Ethics, same teaching about, in

Jesus and in Paul, 164f.
Eusebius, 139

Ezra, Fourth Book of, 176, 180, 187,
189f., 196

Faith in Jesus, did not originate at

Antioch, 303ff.
"Famine visit," historicity of the,

Farnell, 212, 217

Fatherhood of God, same teaching
about, in Jesus and in Paul, 161-

Firmicus Maternus, 229, 237, 241,

251, 281, 314
"Flesh," Pauline use of the term:

without parallel in pagan usage,

275f.; based on Old Testament,


Future life, interest in the, stimulat-
ed by worship of Dionysus and by
Orphism, 216f.

Galatians, Epistle to the: genuine-
ness, 31; addressees, 81; date,
81 ff.; must be interpreted in the
light of I Cor. xv. 1-11, 144f.

Gamaliel, 47, 52

Gautama, 274

Gentile Christianity: in what sense
founded by Paul, 7-21; in what
sense founded by Jesus, 13-15;
part in the founding of, taken by
missionaries other than Paul, 15f.

Gentiles, reception of, according to

the Old Testament, 17
Gischala, 44

Gnosis, 262-265: idea of, in Paul,
263-265; not a technical term in
Paul, 263

Gnosticism, 247-251, 268f.: pagan
basis of, 247; can it be used as a
witness to pre-Christian paganism,
247-250; Christian elements in,
249f.; use in, of terms "Spirit"
and "spiritual" due to dependence
on the New Testament, 268f.

"God," the term, 306f.

Golden Rule, negative form of the,

Gospel, the Pauline, was a matter of
history, 264f.

Gospels, the: contain an account of
Jesus like that presupposed in the
Pauline Epistles, 153f.; were they
influenced by Paul, 154f., 159

Grace, doctrine of, both in Jesus and
in Paul, 164

Grace of God according to Paul, 279

Greece, religion of: influenced Rome,
212f.; moral defects of, 214; was
anthropomorphic polytheism, 214
f.; was connected with the state,
214f.; mystical elements in, 215ff.;
was undermined by philosophy, by
the fall of the city-state, and by
the influence of the eastern re-
ligions, 219f.

Greek language: in Palestine, 53,
302; Paul's use of, 44, 46, 53

Gressmann, 181

Hadad, 235

Harnack, A. von, 6f., 26, 33-36, 98,

119, 263, 273
"Hebrew," meaning of the word, 46
Heinrici, 265

HeitmUller, 47, 49, 52, 76-78, 157,

243f., 257-261, 265, 282f.
Helbig, 46

"Hellenist," meaning of the word,

Hellenistic age, the: cosmopolitanism
in, 220; individualism in, 221; re-
ligious propaganda in, 221 f.; syn-
cretism in, 222f.; longing for re-
demption in, 223f.

Hellenists, the, 302

Hepding, 227-231, 283

Hennas, Shepherd of, 242

Hermes Trismegistus, 242-245, 248f.,
261f., 265-267, 285: was it influ-

enced by Christianity, 242f., 347f.;
importance of, 243f.; places soul
higher than spirit, 248f.; termin-
ology different from Paul's, 265-

Hermetic Corpus, 242-245, 277
Herod Agrippa I, death of, 79
Hilgenfeld, 90
Hippolytus, 218, 249f.
Holstein, 63-65, 76
Holtzmann, H. J., 22
Homer, 213f.

"Illumination," the term, 273

Initiated, to be, use of the verb by
Paul, 271f.

Irenoeus, 89

Isis, religion of, 8f.

Isis, mysteries of, 232ff., had sacra-
mental washings according to
Tertullian, 281

Isis and Osiris, religion of, 231-234

Izates of Adiabene, 12

James, 94, 98: contact of with Paul,
75, 109-113, 137; men who came
from, 101; attitude of, toward
Paul, 11 If.; attitude of Paul to-
ward, 120ff.; called "the brother of
the Lord," 299f.

Jerome, 44

Jerusalem Church, the, 293-303: at-
titude of, toward the Law, 19; re-
lief of the poor of, 99f., 104, 112f.;
new principle of the life of, 127;
community of goods in, 138; con-
tact of, with Paul, 139; treasured
tradition about Jesus, 139; direct
influence of, upon Paul, 258f.; use
of the term "Lord" by, 294-303

Jesus Christ: historicity of, 5; in
what sense founder of the Gentile
mission, 13-15; Pauline conception
of, 22; deification of, according to
modern liberalism, 22-24; Mes-
siahship of, according to the lib-
eral hypothesis, 25; consciousness
of sonship, according to the liberal
hypothesis, 25; importance of, in
the liberal explanation of the ori-
gin of Paulinism, 25; Messiahship
of, according to Bousset, 29;
Lordship of, according to Bous-
set, 29f.; divinity of, disputed by
no one in the Apostolic Age, 129-
137; knowledge of, according to
Paul, 142-144; words of, in Paul-
ine Epistles, 147-149; details of the
life of, known to Paul, 149f.;
character of, appreciated by Paul,
150f.; comparison of, with Paul,
153-169; presented Himself as
Messiah, 155-158; personal affin-
ity of, with Paul, 165; regarded by
Paul as a Redeemer, not as a mere
teacher, 167-169

Jesus Christ, the liberal account of:
attested by none of the sources,
155; involves psychological contra-
diction, 155-158; cannot explain the
origin of the belief in the divine
Redeemer, 158f.

John, 98, went to Ephesus, 128

Jones, Maurice, 81

Josephus, 79, 177, 183

Judaea, Churches of, 50-52, 75f.

Judaism: missionary activity of, 9-
11; prepared for Pauline mission,
10f.; did not produce Christian
universalism, 11-13; had no doc-
trine of the vicarious death of the
Messiah, 65, 196ff.; divisions with-
in, 175-177; did not serve as
medium for pagan influence upon
Paul, 255f.

Judaism, rabbinical, 176

Judas, 140

Judaizers, the, 19, 86, 98, 121, 125f.,
128, 131, 135, 278: activity of, sub-
sided during the third missionary
journey, 104, 107; did not dispute
Paul's doctrine of the person of
Christ, 129-137

Judgment, teaching about, both in
Jesus and in Paul, 164

Justification, Pauline idea of: can
find no analogy in Hermes Trisme-
gistus, 277; importance of, in
Paul's thinking, 277-279; not pro-
duced merely as weapon against
the Judaizers, 278f.; intimately
connected with the doctrine of the
new creation, 279

Justin Martyr, 185, 196, 236, 273,

Juvenal, 227

Kabeiri, the, 219

Kennedy, H. A. A., 118, 233, 262,

Kingdom of God, same teaching
about, in Jesus and in Paul,

Knowling, 104, 109, 147, 299
Koine, the, 220

Laborers in the vineyard, parable of
the, 164

Lake, Kirsopp, 12f., 81 f., 89, 98

Lake and Jackson, 186

Law, the ceremonial, attitude of
Jesus toward, 14f.

Law, the Mosaic: function of, ac-
cording to Paul, 18; attitude of
the early Jerusalem Church to-
ward, 19; observance of, by Jewish
Christians, 92f., 101 f.; Jewish
Christians zealous for, 110; added
to, by the Jews, 178; Paul's early
zeal for, 256

Legalism, Jewish, 178-181

Lexical method of determining ques-
tions of dependence, 262

Liberalism, was not the method of
Paul in founding Gentile Christi-
anity, 17

Liberal Judaism, was not the at-
mosphere of Paul's bovhood home,
47, 256

Lietzmann, 127

Lightfoot, J. B., 47, 119

Lipsius, 72

Livy, 250

Ix>isy, 47, 76, 229, 262

Lord, the, connected by Paul with
the Spirit, 31 Iff.

"Lord," the term: applied by Paul
to the Jesus who was on earth,
117f.; use of, in primitive Jeru-
salem Church, 294-303; occurrence
of, in the Gospels, 295-298; the
Aramaic basis of, 301, received
Greek form in Jerusalem, 301f.;
not for the first time applied to
Jesus at Antioch, 303ff.; use of,
in pagan religion, 305f.; use of, in
the Septuagint, 307f.

Lord's Supper, the: account of insti-
tution of, 148f., 151f.; was thought
by Justin Martyr to be imitated
in religion of Mithras, 236; com-
parison of, with pagan rites, 281-
283; not dependent upon pagan
notion of eating the god, 282f.

Lucian, 225, 234?., 241

Luke, 36f.

Lycaonia, Apostolic Decree extended
into, 94

Maccabees, Fourth Book of, 196
Magic: affinity of, for the mysteries,

246; difference of, from religion,


Magical papyri, the, 246f.

"Mar," the term, 300f.

Maranatha, 300f.

Marcidn, 18

Marcus Aurelius, 226

Mark, John, 105, 106, 107, relations

of, with Paul and with Peter, 138f.
Marriage, the sacred, 230
"Master," the term, applied to Jesus,

Mead, 244

Meals, sacred, in the mystery re-
ligions, 281-283
Menander, 271
Menard, 244

Messiah, the: doctrines of, in Old
Testament, 181 f.; doctrine of, in
Judaism, 182fT.; Old Testament
basis for later doctrine of, 191;
pre-Christian doctrine of, exalted
by identification with Jesus, 204

Messiah, the apocalyptic: was dif-
ferent from the Pauline Christ,
194-199; had no part in creation,
194; had no intimate relation to
the believer, 194-197; was not di-
vine, 197-199; what could have led
to his identification with Jesus,

"Mind," the term, in Hermes Tris-
megistus, 267f., not produced by
philosophical modification of the
term "Spirit"

Mind, not the same thing as Spirit in
1 Cor. ii. 15, 16, 269

Miracles: objection drawn from ac-
counts of, against Lucan author-
ship of Acts, 33-37; cannot be
separated from the Gospel account
of Jesus, 154f.

Mithras, mysteries of, 236, 256: had
sacramental washings according to
Tertullian, 281; bread and cup in,
281 f.

Mithras, religion of, 8f., 235-337
Mithras-liturgy, the so-called, 247,

251, 267
Mnason, 112
Mommsen, 46f.
Montefiore, 176f.
Morgan, W., 118, 164
Moulton and Milligan, 281
Murray, Gilbert, 223
"Mystery," the term, in Paul, 272f.

Mystery religions, the, 227ff: did
not produce Gentile Christianity,
8f.; were tolerant of other faiths,
9; information about, in a Naas-
sene writing, 249f.; technical vo-
cabulary of, 262ff.; idea of gnosis
in, 262-265; not the source of
Paul's doctrine of the Spirit, 270;
probably had not dominated many
converts of Paul, 273; produced
no strong consciousness of sin,
276; did not produce the Pauline
teaching about the sacraments,

Mysticism, pagan, 239ff.

Naassenes, sect of the, 249f.
Neutral text, the, 87ff.

Oepke, 264f., 273

Old Catholic Church, 6, 119f.: found-
ed on unity between Peter and
Paul, 104f.

Olschewski, 194

Oracula Chaldaica, the, 245 f.

Orphism, 216f.

Osiris, 229, 231 ff., 314f.

Pagan religion: through what chan-
nels could it have influenced Paul,
255-261; did it influence Paul di-
rectly, 260f.

Papias, 139

Parthey, 244.

Particularism, in the Old Testament,

Pastoral Epistles, the, 31 f.

Paul: testimony of, as to origin of
Christianity, 4f.; influence of, 6-
21; geographical extent of the la-
bors of, 16f.; importance of the
theology of, in foundation of Gen-
tile mission, 17-20; in what ways
a witness about the origin of
Christianity, 21; the genius of, not
incompatible with the truth of his
witnessing, 21; monotheism of, 23;
sources of information about, 31-
40; birth of, at Tarsus, 43f.; Ro-
man citizenship of, 45f.; Pharisa-
ism of, 46f.; was not a liberal Jew,
47, 175ff.; was in Jerusalem be-
fore conversion, 47-53; rabbinical
training of, 52f.; did he see Jesus
before the conversion, 54-57; knew
about Jesus before the conversion,
57f., 66f.; conversion of, 58-68,
145-147, 205, 305; malady of, 58f.;
did he have the consciousness of
sin before his conversion, 64-66;
the conversion of, involved meet-
ing with a person, 67f.; baptism
of, 71; at Damascus, 71ff.; went
to Arabia, 71-74; escaped from
Damascus, 74; rebuked Peter, 97,
102; division of labor with Peter,
99 f.; first visit of, to Jerusalem,
74-77; in Syria and Cilicia, 77; at
Antioch, 78; famine visit of, to
Jerusalem, 78fF.; agreed with
Peter in principle, 102, 123f.; rela-
tions of, with Peter, 102-105, 137;
dispute of, with Barnabas, 105-
107; relations of, with Barnabas,
106f., 137f.; relations of, with
James, 109-113; participation of,
in a Jewish vow, 110f.; has been
regarded by the Church as a dis-
ciple of Jesus, 117; regarded him-
self as a disciple of Jesus, 117f.;
was regarded as a disciple of
Jesus by Jesus' friends, 118-137;
attitude of, toward Peter, 120ff.;
attitude of, toward James, 120ff.;
rebuked Peter, 122-124; had
abundant sources of information
about Jesus, 137-142; relations of,
with Mark, 138f.; contact of, with
the original apostles and with the
Jerusalem Church, 139; contact of,
with Silas, 140; the gospel of, in
what sense did he receive it direct-
ly from Christ, 145-147; meaning
of the conversion of, for him, 145-
147; shows knowledge of words of
Jesus, 147-149; shows knowledge
of details of Jesus' life, 149f.;
shows appreciation of Jesus' char-
acter, 150f.; knew more about
Jesus than he has told in the
Epistles, 151-153; comparison of,
with Jesus, 153-169; personal af-
finity of, with Jesus, 165; was not
a disciple of "the liberal Jesus,"
166-169; his pre-conversion belief
about the Messiah, 192-194; was
not dependent upon the Jewish
apocalypses, 192f.; personal rela-
tion of, to Christ, was not derived
from mere reflection on the death
of the Messiah, 194-197; similarity
of, to Jesus, not explained by com-
mon dependence on Judaism, 206;
the gospel of, was a matter of his-
tory, 264f.; how far did he use a

terminology derived from the mys-
teries, 271-273
Pauline Epistles, the genuineness of,
31 f.

Paulinism: required exclusive devo-
tion, 9; was a religion of redemp-
tion, 22, 167-169; doctrine of the
person of Christ in, was not dis-
puted even by Judaizers, 129-
137; was supernaturalistic, 288f.;
was not external, 289f.; was in-
dividualistic, 309 ff.; was not de-
veloped from the cult, 309ff.; was
personal, 31 If., 317; was histori-
cal, 316

Paulinism, the origin of: four ways
of explaining, 24ff.; supernatural-
istic explanation of, 24; liberal ex-
planation of, 24-26; radical expla-
nations of, 26ff.; found in pre-
Christian Judaism by Wrede and
Bruckner, 27f.; found in paganism
by Bousset, 30; not really ex-

Elained by development from the
beral Jesus, 117-169; not really
explained by Judaism, 173-207; not
really explained by paganism, 211-

Persephone, 218

Personality, idea of, 202f.

Peter: received Cornelius, 16; with
Paul in Jerusalem, 75-77; at
Antioch, 97-106; rebuked by Paul,
97, 102, 122-124; division of labor
with Paul, 99f.; relations of, with
Paul, 102-105; attitude of Paul to-
ward, 120ff.; agreed with Paul in
principle, 123f.; not in harmony
with Ebionism, 125 f.; went to
Rome, 127f.; contact with Paul,
137; relations of, with Mark,

Pharisaism, not influenced by pagan

religion, 255f.
Pharisees, the, 177
Philemon, Epistle to, 31
Philippians, Epistle to the, 31, 104
Philo, 183, 250f.: use of term

"Spirit" by, due to Old Testament,


Philosophy: undermined the religion
of Greece, 219; practical interest
of, in the Hellenistic age, 224ff.

Plato, 224f., 275

Plooij, 81

Plutarch, 231, 236

Poimandres, the, 242-245

Posidonlus, 225, 250

Princeton Biblical Studies, 7, 17, 37,

Princeton Theological Review, 37, 78,

Psalms of Solomon, 190,193
Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testa-
ment, 182
Ptolemy 1, 231
Pythagoreanism, 217

Ramsay, 45, 56, 81

Rationalizing, revived by Torrey
and others, 34

Redemption: Paulinism a religion of,
22, 167-169; was desired in the
Hellenistic age, 223f.; value of,
224; in pagan religion and in Paul,
255-279; idea of, in Hellenistic age,
274if.; idea of, not an abnormal
thing, 275; Pauline conception of,
was not derived from pagan cults,
274ff.; Pauline idea of, involves
salvation from sin, 276f.

Regeneration: in pagan religion, 230,
233, 240f., 244f.; associated, in
Paul, with justification, 279

Reitzenstein, R., 242-244, 246, 248ff.,
274, 277, 262-280

Religion and theology: union of, ac-
cording to Wrede, 27; separation
of, according to the liberal hy-
pothesis, 25f.; not to be separated
in Paul, 166ff.

Revelation, Book of, 120

Ritschl, A., 6, 38f., 119f., 125

Ritschlian theology, the, 23

Rohde, 212, 223

Romans, Epistle to the: genuineness
of, 31; date of, 81 f.; can it be
used in the reconstruction of the
pre-Pauline Christianity of Da-
mascus and Antioch, 259

Rome, Church at, 16

Rome, the native religion of, 212f.

Sabazius, 215

Sacraments, the Pauline: were not
derived from the mystery re-
ligions, 279-290; did not convey
blessing ex opere operato, 283-288;
were outward signs of an inner
experience, 286f.

Sadducees, the, 177

Samothrace, the mysteries of, 219

SchUrer, 23, 65, 79, 156, 180, 183,
186, 190, 196

Seneca, 226

Septuagint, importance of the, 307f.

Serapis, religion of, 232ff.

Servant coming in from the field,

parable of the, 164
Sethe, 281

Showerman, 227, 231
Sieffert, 72

Silas, 16: contact of, with Paul, 140;
was member of the Jerusalem
Church, 140

Sin, consciousness of: in Judaism,
178-181; in Paul, 276f.

Smith, W. B., 294

Solomon, Psalms of, 184

Son of Man, the: in I Enoch, 181,
186ff.; origin and meaning of the
title, 187ff.; idea of, dominated
the early Jerusalem Church, ac-
cording to Bousset, 293f., 298

Soul: placed higher than spirit in
Hermes Trismegistus and lower
than Spirit in Paul, 248f., 267 f.;
conception of the, in Paul, 266ff.

Spirit: placed lower than soul in
Hermes Trismegistus and (when
the word designates the Spirit of
God) higher than soul in Paul,
248f., 267f.; no evidence of popular
pagan use of the term analogous
to Pauline usage, 267-270; Greek
materialistic use of the term, 267;
use of the term in Philo shows in-
fluence of the Old Testament,
268; use of the term in Gnosticism
due to dependence on New Testa-
ment, 268f.; use of the term in
Menander, 270

Spirit, Pauline conception of the,
265-271: different from that in
mystery religions, 265, 270; does
not make the divine Spirit take the
place of the human soul, 266; has
roots in the Old Testament, 270f.;
brings enrichment of Old Testa-
ment teaching, 270; not derived
from paganism, 310; Bousset's
view of, 3lOff.

"Spiritual man:" contrast with "psy-
chic man," 265-270; the term not
in accord with the terminology of
Hermes Trismegistus, 266ff.

Stephen, 16, 19, 66

Stobseus, 242

Stoics, the: humanitarian achieve-
ments of, 225f.; humanitarian
ideal of, differed from Christian
ideal, 225f.

Strauss, 34

Supernaturalism in Paul's religion,

Syncretism, 222f., 237ff., 262
Syria: religion of, 77; use of the

term "Lord" in, 300
Syria and Cilicia, 77, the Apostolic

Decree addressed to, 94ff.

Tammuz, 234

Tarsus, 48f., 77: did not bring pa-
gan influences effectively to bear
upon Paul, 256f.; Christianity of,
did it originate application of the
term "Lord" to Jesus, 299.

Taurobolium, 230f., 240f., 251

"Teleios," the term, in Paul, 272f.

Terminology, not necessarily impor-
tant as establishing dependence in
ideas, 272

Terminology of the mysteries, the
technical, does not appear in the
New Testament, 273

Tertullian, 281

Testaments of the Twelve Patri-
archs, 190

Thessalonians, Epistles to the, 31,

Thrace, religion of, 215f.
Titus, 83
Torrey, C. C, 34
Townshend, 196

Tradition, Paul not indifferent to-
ward, 142-153
Trypho, Dialogue with, 185, 196
Tubingen School, the, 31, 37, 99, 108
f., 110

Vegetation gods, 235
Vespasian, 183
Vota, 190

Vos, Geerhardus, 266, 295

Warfield, B. B., 198, 306
Weber, 81
Weiss, B., 72

Weiss, J., 40, 56, 85, 107, 125, 152,
154, 156, 314

Wellhausen, 52, 138

Wendland, 212

Wendt, 94f.

Wernle, 312

Westcott and Hort, 89

Western text, the, 88ff.

Wicked husbandmen, parable of, 15

Windisch, H., 199-204, 243

Wisdom, in Pauline Epistles, not
identified with Christ, 203f.

Wisdom, in pre-Christian Judaism:
will not account for the Pauline
Christology, 199-204; is active in
creation, 200; enters into the wise
men, 200; is not expected to ap-
pear at a definite time, 200f.; is
not identified with the Messiah,
201-204; is not fully personal,

Wisdom of Solomon, 200
Witkowski, 280

Wrede, W., 26-28, 67, 156, 166, 172-
199, 204-207, 278, 317

Zahn, Th., 44, 53, 72, 90, 119, 302.
Zeller, E., 37.
Zielinski, 242.

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