Luke - Introduction




Luke was a doctor (Colossians 4:14) and a close companion of the Apostle Paul. In addition to this Gospel, Luke also wrote the book of Acts (see Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-2). Luke accompanied Paul during parts of Paul’s second and third missionary journeys to Greece and Turkey (see Acts 16:10; 20:6), and on Paul’s final voyage to Rome (Acts 27:1-2). Luke also remained with Paul during Paul’s imprisonment in Rome (2 Timothy 4:11).

Thus Luke not only wrote about the beginnings of the Christian religion; he took part in it as well.

Whereas Matthew was a JEW who wrote his Gospel mainly for Jewish readers, Luke was a Greek1, that is, a Gentile.2 Therefore, Luke has written his Gospel in a way that Gentiles would easily understand.

While writing his own Gospel, Luke had with him a copy of Mark’s Gospel. Therefore, Luke has repeated in his Gospel many of the verses that Mark wrote. (In this commentary the reader will be asked to refer to Mark’s Gospel for comments on those verses.)

Luke also used other material to write his history of Jesus’ life. Some of this material is also included in Matthew’s Gospel. Some material, however, is found only in Luke.

Luke was, above all, a historian. He was very careful both in his Gospel and in the book of Acts to give accurate historical details. Luke’s accuracy has been completely confirmed by other historical writings of that period and by numerous archeological findings. The story of Jesus Christ recorded in the New Testament is not something made up by man’s imagination; it is totally true and historical.

It is not certain when Luke wrote his Gospel. Many Bible scholars believe it was written between 65 and 70 A.D. Others suggest it was written some time later than that.


  1. The Announcement of the Savior (1:1-2:52).
    1. The Announcement of Zechariah (1:1-25).
    2. The Announcement to Mary (1:26-56).
    3. The Birth of John (1:57-80).
    4. The Birth of Jesus (2:1-20).
    5. The Presentation in the Temple (2:21-38).
    6. The Childhood of Jesus (2:39-52).
  2. The Appearance of Jesus Christ (3:1-4:13).
    1. John the Baptist and the Baptism of Jesus (3:1-22).
    2. The Genealogy of Jesus (3:23-38).
    3. The Temptation of Jesus (4:1-13).
  3. The Ministry of Jesus Christ (4:14-9:62).
    1. The Definition of Jesus’ Ministry (4:14-44).
    2. The Proof s of Jesus’ Power (5:1-6:11).
    3. The Choice of the Apostles (6:12-19).
    4. Major Teachings (6:20-49).
    5. Further Miracles and Teachings (7:1-9:17).
    6. The Climax of Jesus’ Ministry (9:18-62).
  4. The Road to the Cross (10:1-18:30).
    1. The Ministry of the Seventy (10:1-24).
    2. Popular Teaching (10:25-13:21).
    3. The Beginning of Public Debate (13:22-16:31).
    4. Instruction of the Disciples (17:1-18:30).
  5. The Suffering of Jesus Christ (18:31-23:56).
    1. The Road to Jerusalem (18:31-19:27).
    2. The Entry into Jerusalem (19:28-44).
    3. The Teaching in Jerusalem (19:45-21:4).
    4. Teachings on the End of the Age (21:5-38).
    5. The Lord’s Supper (22:1-38).
    6. The Arrest and Trial of Jesus (22:39-23:25).
    7. The Death of Jesus (23:26-49).
    8. The Burial of Jesus (23:50-56).
  6. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (24:1-53).
    1. The Empty Tomb (24:1-12).
    2. The Walk to Emmaus (24:13-35).
    3. Jesus’ Appearance to the Disciples (24:36-43).
    4. The Last Commission (24:44-49).
    5. The Ascension of Jesus (24:50-53).