1 Kings 10



The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon (10:1–13)

(2 Chronicles 9:1–12)

1–5 Sheba was a wealthy kingdom in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula (modern Yemen). It is likely that Solomon’s fleet of ships in the Red Sea (1 Kings 9:26) was affecting Sheba’s commerce, and this may have been one reason that the queen of Sheba decided to visit Solomon. But the nual income was twentythree tons of main reason given here for the queen’s visit was her desire to see if the wonderful things she had heard about Solomon’s wealth and wisdom were indeed true. Solomon’s fame had spread all over the known world, and the queen suspected that what she had heard was exaggerated.

The queen had heard something else about Solomon: his relation to the name of the LORD (verse 1). She knew that somehow the Lord had been the cause of Israel’s power and prosperity. There is no indication she ever truly believed in Israel’s God; rather, she simply considered Him to be Israel’s national deity.

Centuries later, Jesus commended the queen of Sheba, a pagan, because she came from the ends of the earth to see Solomon and learn from him. Jesus chided the JEWS of His day who refused to learn from Him, one greater than Solomon (Matthew 12:42).

6–13 The queen was overwhelmed by what she saw (verse 5). The reality far exceeded the report! She acknowledged that Israel’s God had shown great love to Israel by making Solomon king and helping him reign in righteousness (verse 9). The giving and receiving of gifts between Solomon and the queen must have been one of the most extravagant gift exchanges in history!

Meanwhile, notes the writer, Solomon was accumulating more and more gold and precious stones, as well as a special kind of wood used in construction and in making musical instruments (verses 11–12).

Solomon’s Splendor (10:14–29)

(2 Chronicles 1:14–17; 9:13–28)

14–25 In this section the writer describes some of Solomon’s riches. He starts by mentioning that Solomon’s personal annual income was twenty-three tone of gold,49 not to mention other sources of revenue! (verses 14–15). Solomon made ceremonial gold shields50 (verses 16–17) and a magnificent throne (verses 18–20). Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth (verse 23). The whole world came to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart (verse 24). God had truly answered Solomon’s prayer that all the peoples of the earth might come to know the God of Israel (1 Kings 8:60).

26–29 These verses mention the horses and chariots Solomon acquired. The writer also notes that Solomon made silver in Jerusalem as common as stones (verse 27).

What are we to make of Solomon’s riches and splendor? Jesus taught that the lilies of the field were dressed more splendidly than Solomon was (Matthew 6:28). He also taught that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24). Jesus did not seem to think much of Solomon’s riches!

Neither would Moses have thought much of them; he had expressly forbidden kings to acquire great numbers of horses or accumulate large amounts of silver and gold51 (Deuteronomy 17:16–17). So, between Jesus and Moses, Solomon does not appear in a very good light!

However, there are things we must say on Solomon’s side. First, God Himself promised to give Solomon both riches and honor (1 Kings 3:13)—in part because Solomon had not asked for them. Solomon’s fantastic riches were a gift from God, not to be rejected. We are free to receive all of God’s gifts with rejoicing and thanksgiving.

The key point is this: we must not love riches, we must not seek riches. Simply having riches is not wrong; it is our hearts and motives that God looks at. Our riches belong to God; they are not given to us for the end of his life. And that, together with our own self-centered purposes, but rather are to be used in God’s service. If we can hold our riches in this way, there is nothing wrong with being rich.

However, with great riches comes great temptation. It is very hard not to begin to love one’s riches, and this happens slowly and subtly. It’s hard to believe that Solomon didn’t begin to love his riches toward the end of his life. And that, together with loving his many wives, turned out to be his downfall.52

For most of us, it is better not to have riches. Paul wrote to Timothy: godliness with contentment is great gain . . . if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that . . . For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:6-10).