Isaiah 46



Gods of Babylon (46:1–13)

1–2 God had said that every knee would bow before Him (Isaiah 45:23). Here Isaiah pictures the two main gods of Babylon bowing before the God of Israel as they are being carried away on animals while Babylon falls. Bel is an alternate name for “Marduk,” the chief god of the Babylonians; Nebo was Marduk’s “son.” These gods could not save Babylon; they couldn’t even save themselves. They too ended up in captivity! (verse 2).

3–4 In contrast to the gods of Babylon, the God of Israel does not have to be carried; rather, He carries His people!

5–7 No other god can compare with Israel’s God (verse 5). No other god can save its worshipers (verse 7).

8–13 In verse 8, God calls His people rebels, as most of them were. Let them not rebel against God, for His purpose will stand; their rebellion will be in vain (verse 10). He will summon a bird of prey (Cyrus) to fulfill His purpose (verse 11). God will bring His righteousness and His salvation to Zion184 (Jerusalem); then His splendor (glory) will be revealed in His people Israel (verse 13).