Isaiah 55



Invitation to the Thirsty (55:1–13)

1–2 Come, all you who are thirsty. This gracious invitation from the Lord is given, in the first instance, to the Jewish exiles in Babylon; they are invited to return and be physically and spiritually restored. The larger purpose of these words, however, is to invite all who are thirsty—in our day as well—to come to the Lord and be spiritually refreshed. The waters symbolize spiritual refreshment and, indeed, spiritual life. Jesus talked about the living water He had to offer, and He still invites us to come and drink205 (John 4:10,13–14; 7:37–39; Revelation 22:17).

It is not only water the Lord offers; He offers a full meal—wine, milk, bread—the richest of fare (verse 2). All of this will give life to our souls (verse 3). And we won’t need to pay money for it. In fact, we can’t buy spiritual life, salvation; it has already been “paid for” by the death of the “servant of the Lord,” Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53:4–9; Romans 6:23).

In verse 2, the Lord asks a probing question: Why be content with that which is not real food, which does not truly satisfy? The question is addressed to the Jewish exiles in Babylon, who were becoming complacent; they were getting comfortable in Babylon. And the Lord asks them: Are you really satisfied with the things Babylon has to offer? Is this all you were created for?

These same questions are addressed to us as well: Are we content with the world? Or do we hunger for something better, for something eternal? Too many believers end up choosing the “good things” the world has to offer and thereby miss the “best things” God has to offer.

3–5 God calls to the exiles—and to us: “Give ear and come to me, and you will live” (verse 3). And with all who come, God will make an everlasting covenant, a covenant of love; this is a continuation of the same covenant God made with David when He promised David an everlasting throne—a throne that would culminate in the eternal reign of Jesus Christ (see 2 Samuel 7:12–17 and comment). Indeed, the Apostle Paul quoted from verse 3 to show that the resurrection of Jesus was the fulfillment of God’s promise to David (Acts 13:34).

In verse 5, the Lord says that the Gentile nations of the world will be drawn to Jerusalem, the center of God’s reign on earth (see Isaiah 2:1–2 and comment). They will be drawn because God has endowed Jerusalem with splendor, with His own glory. Jerusalem will be restored both physically and spiritually. These words, of course, apply not only to the post-exilic Jerusalem of the Old Testament but also to the church of Christ in the New Testament and ultimately to the new Jerusalem where Christ will reign supreme forever (Revelation 21:1–5).

6–7 Seek the LORD while he may be found. There is a sense of urgency in this passage: if we do not seek the Lord now, it may be too late to do so later. The Lord waits patiently for us to turn to Him, but He does not wait forever (see Jeremiah 29:13–14).

This passage is really about repentance; repentance involves a positive response (seeking) and a negative response (forsaking): Let the wicked forsake his way (verse 7). Notice that the wicked person must forsake not only his “way” but also his thoughts—his wicked desires, his wicked plans. God knows our self-centered thoughts and motives; these we must forsake. We must take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

If we turn to the LORD, He will freely pardon us. If we confess our sins, he . . . will forgive us (1 John 1:9). And in this He has given us an example to follow: just as He freely forgives us, so we must freely forgive others (Matthew 6:14–15). Jesus said: “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8).

8–9 God’s thoughts and ways are much, much higher than ours, but they are not unknowable; God has revealed Himself in Scripture and through His Holy Spirit. God’s thoughts and ways are governed by His holiness, and we are to conform our thoughts and ways to His (Romans 12:2; 1 Peter 1:15–16).

10–11 Just as rain always waters the earth and makes it flourish, so God’s word always accomplishes what He desires (verse 11). God’s speaking and His acting are never separated; His word is as good as His act. We too, when we speak God’s word, can expect results; we may not see the results ourselves, but we can be confident that His word will not return . . . empty.

12–13 When God’s people—in this instance, the exiles—repent and come back to Him, then the way is also open for them to come back to the land, back into His fellowship, His love, and His peace. You will go out in joy, says Isaiah (verse 12). Figuratively, the whole creation rejoices when God’s people are restored to Him. God’s gracious acts of forgiveness and deliverance serve as an everlasting sign of His goodness (verse 13); His acts will never be forgotten.