1 John 5 Footnotes


5:1-5 Real Christianity is evidenced by: (1) right belief (vv. 1,5), (2) obedience to God (vv. 2-3), and (3) love (vv. 1-3).

5:13 John began this final section by restating his purpose statement. He wrote 1 John to Christians. He wanted them to have assurance that they possess eternal life.

5:21 With this warning against idolatry, the author could have been warning his audience against deception by the false teachers (2:26; 3:7; 2Jn 7). Since these heretics had adopted an inadequate view of Jesus Christ, they had in essence replaced orthodox Christianity with a form of idolatry. Thus, John concluded this letter with encouragement for believers (5:18-20) and a warning against heresy (v. 21).