2 Chronicles 9 Footnotes


9:1 “Sheba” was the kingdom of Saba in southern Arabia, modern Yemen.

9:29 These sources that the Chronicler used are no longer available to us.

9:31 The Chronicler omitted Solomon’s latter years where his fidelity to the Lord slipped. It is not, as some have asserted, that the Chronicler was covering up Solomon’s failures. Time and time again we see that the Chronicler assumed his readers had access to and knew the books of Samuel and Kings. He omitted details that were not relevant to his purpose in order to show what kind of person should sit on the throne of David. The latter Solomon was not that kind of person, and so was left out of the narrative. This authorial decision was the same as the decision to omit the Bathsheba affair and Uriah’s murder by David.