Amos 3 Footnotes


3:1-8 This passage presents the general “principles” of OT prophecy. (1) The prophet was the Lord’s spokesman, declaring what “the LORD has spoken” (v. 1). (2) The prophet took his stand on the Lord’s covenant with Israel—“I have known only you” (v. 2). The Lord’s choice of Israel was confirmed in his deliverance of his people from slavery in Egypt. (3) As a result of the people’s faithlessness, the Lord was about to inflict upon them the consequences of their disobedience (v. 2). (4) Whatever occurs in the arena of history is the Lord’s doing (v. 6). (5) The prophet understood these things because the counsel of God had been revealed to him (v. 7), and he was, in effect, a divinely appointed prosecutor. (6) The prophet was under compulsion to speak once he had heard from the Lord.