Ezra 3 Footnotes


3:2 Some scholars claim that the Pentateuch came into existence through a gradual process of additions and edits, which started some time around 950 BC. However, this community attributed its origin to Moses.

3:3 God’s people are a “set-apart” people. This distinction between believers and non-believers has led some out of fear or resentment to persecute Christians. Just because believers have deeply held beliefs and practices that are contrary to popular culture is no justification to persecute them.

3:4 The returnees knew that there was a proper way to worship God and that any form of religious expression was not necessarily pleasing to God. This is an important principle for today when so many people advocate that there is more than one way to God. Jesus said that he is the only way to God (Jn 14:6).

3:6 The people began to offer sacrifices to God before they built the temple. Relationship with God does not depend on a building or any other religious structure. The institutions of worship may facilitate worship, but they can never substitute for it.

3:10 The descendants of Asaph (1Ch 15:16-17) used a musical instrument in this worship event. The use of musical instruments in worship is not uncommon or unbiblical. They are often called for in the psalms. See the heading for Ps 67 and the calls for musical accompaniment in Ps 98:4-6 and 150:3-5.

3:11 “All the people gave a great shout of praise.” Worship is not reserved for the professional clergy. All believers may, and are expected to, engage in worship. Worship comes in many styles, from subdued to exuberant, and when done in the right spirit according to biblical standards, they are all pleasing to God.