Nahum 1 Footnotes


1:2-6 Even Christians who are firmly convinced of the authority and inspiration of the Scriptures tend to minimize, or explain away, descriptions of the wrath and vengeance of God such as Nahum presented here. While it may not be appropriate to use such passages when first approaching people with a view to persuading them of the truth of the Bible, eventually there comes a time when we cannot avoid the question of how God’s wrath and vengeance are related to his love. Pursuing these connections requires thought, courage, and a willingness to come to know God as he is and not as we might wish him to be. Conversion to the faith of Christ is not simply a matter of “asking Jesus to come into your heart.” It involves a metanoia (the NT word for “repentance”), which means, literally, a “change of mind.” In other words, becoming a believer involves adopting a new worldview, or perspective on reality. The modern Western worldview has blurred distinctions between right and wrong, and within such a perspective there is no place for the wrath and judgment of God. But when one’s perspective changes, and it becomes evident that God is a moral force to be reckoned with, then it becomes equally apparent that serious consequences ensue for those who attempt to live without regard for his plan for human life (Rm 1:16-32).