Philippians 3 Footnotes


3:2 Paul’s opponents acted like dogs, traveling in packs, consuming garbage. Circumcision to gain divine favor is futile; it is simply mutilation.

3:8 Heredity and merely human achievements are garbage. Paul’s attitude was a necessary expression of repentance. He did not expect to gain righteousness by this attitude (since right standing before God comes through grace); trusting in human achievements prevents one from obtaining righteousness.

3:10-11 The goal of participation in the final resurrection comes from knowing Christ in every dimension of life. Conformity to death—the result of self-surrender—gives way to life. The Christian’s experience parallels that of Jesus.

3:15 “Mature” (not “sinless”) means thinking and living rightly because of commitment to Christ.

3:20-21 Christ’s second coming, unlike his first, will powerfully reveal his deity.