Bible Reading Plans



The CSB Study Bible offers two plans for reading through the Bible. The first plan developed by Heather Collins-Grattan Floyd is structured to take a person through the Bible in three years. This plan may appeal to busy persons who have a limited amount of time each day to read the Scriptures. Reading a smaller portion each day may enable the person to spend more time reading, studying, and meditating on the passage for the day.

The second plan was developed by the late Robert Murray M’Cheyne. This plan takes the reader to four portions of Scripture each day from various parts of the Bible. Following this plan, a person will read through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice within a year.


In reading and studying the Bible, we draw on the same knowledge, skills, and competencies we use in reading other documents. However, with the Bible there is an added dimension. The Bible was written by human beings but the ultimate Author who worked through a variety of human authors is God himself. In what may have been his last written words to Timothy, Paul reminded his protégé that all Scripture is inspired by God. For this reason, John Wesley said that Scripture can only be understood with the help of the Spirit who inspired these sixty-six books. Therefore, as believers come to read and study Scripture, they need to remember the Author of Scripture and ask for the Spirit’s help in understanding what they read.

As you read the Scriptures daily, you will find help in George Guthrie’s article, “How to Read and Study the Bible” on pp. xli-xlvii of the CSB Study Bible.

Come to the Bible expecting to grow. It is like both milk (1Pt 2:2) and solid food (Heb 5:14) providing nourishment for both the young and those more mature.

Come to the Bible for understanding and direction. It is like a counselor (Ps 119:24) and provides light for your journey (Ps 119:105,130).

Come to the Bible for correction and purification. It is like:

-a mirror in which the believer sees himself and the changes that God requires,

-fire and a hammer (Jr 23:29),

-a scalpel by which God performs spiritual surgery on the heart (Heb 4:12),

-water that washes and purifies (Eph 5:26)

Come to the Bible for pleasure. God’s Word is like honey (Ps 19:9; 119:103).

Come daily to the Bible with these attitudes and expectations, and you will be changed. This is God’s multifaceted instrument for conforming you to the image of his Son.