Job 29 Study Notes


29:1-3 Job had complained about God’s scrutiny (7:17-20; 13:27). Now he recalled previous days when God made him successful. The lamp symbolized God’s blessings and direction. When it is extinguished, disaster follows (18:6; 21:17).

29:4-6 Job’s prior life was filled with God’s abundant blessings. Curds and oil symbolize life’s finest pleasures (20:17; Ps 104:15). The rock was either the rocky soil where the olive trees grew or the stone press used to extract the oil.

29:7-10 The town square at the city gate served as a place for legal (Ru 4:1,11) and judicial decisions, a marketplace (2Kg 7:1), and general gathering place (Jr 17:19-20). Job’s seat and the public reaction to his presence indicate prominence and respect.

29:11-13 Contrary to Eliphaz’s charges (22:8-9), Job’s beneficence toward the needs of the poor, orphan, dying, and widow earned the admiration of everyone.

29:14-17 In cases where Job served in an official capacity, he demonstrated righteousness as he defended the rights of the helpless and rendered their oppressors powerless.

29:18-20 Because of God’s blessings and Job’s righteousness, Job expected to live a long and healthy life (Dt 4:39-40; 1Kg 3:14). Sand symbolizes things too numerous to count (6:3; Gn 22:17; 1Kg 4:29). A nest presents a secure image of home and family. The well-watered tree speaks of health and prosperity as well as Job’s righteousness (Ps 1:1-3; 92:12). The bow symbolizes strength and virility (Gn 49:24).

29:21-23 Job’s opinions and decisions were as valued as refreshing rain or dew in a dry region (Is 55:10-11).

29:24 Because he was considered both wise and powerful, everyone highly valued Job’s approval.