2 Kings 6:15

2 Kings 6:15

And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and
gone forth
Either out of his master's house, or out of the city upon some business to be done early in the morning; this was not Gehazi, but a new servant:

behold, an host compassed the city, both with horses and chariots;
which he could see at the door of his master's house, the city being built upon an eminence; or which he perceived, as soon as he came out of the gates of the city, or was about so to do:

and his servant said unto him;
Elisha being with him; or else he returned to his master on the sight of such an army, and not being able to go forward:

alas, my master! how shall we do?
to get out of the city, and through this host, and proceed on our intended journey; and if he understood that the intention of this formidable host was to take his master, his concern might be the greater; and the more as he was a new servant, and not so well acquainted with his master's being possessed of a power of doing miracles.