2 Kings 6:33

2 Kings 6:33

And while he yet talked with them
Elisha with the elders:

behold, the messenger came down unto him;
sent by the king:

and he said;
either the messenger in the king's name, or rather the king, who was at his heels, and came to the door before the messenger was let in, who was detained; and therefore it is most probable the king went in first; for that was the intention of Elisha in holding the messenger, not to save his own life, but that the king, who was following, might hear what he had to say; and whom he advised to wait for the Lord, and his appearance, for deliverance: in answer to which he said,

behold, this evil is of the Lord, what should I wait for the Lord any
this calamity is from him, and he is determined upon the ruin of my people, and there is no hope; this he said as despairing, and so resolving to hold out the siege no longer.