Daniel 7:22
Until the Ancient of days came
Not locally, by change of place, he being the omnipresent God; but in a providential way, to check and put a stop to the power and prevalency of the little horn over the saints; for this is the terminus or end of that; which puts a period to it; for when the Ancient of days comes in the exertion of his power and providence, he will come and sit as a Judge upon this little horn or antichrist, and judge, and condemn, and punish it; see ( Daniel 7:9 Daniel 7:11 ) : and judgment was given to the saints of the most High;
their characters vindicated from all calumny and false aspersions; their adversaries condemned and punished; and power, dominion, and authority, given to them with Christ; see ( Daniel 7:27 ) ( John 5:22 ) : and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom;
(See Gill on Daniel 7:18); till which time the little horn or antichrist will reign and rage, and prevail over the saints, but no longer.