Genesis 2:23

Genesis 2:23

And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh
of my flesh
Of "his bones", because made out of a pair of his ribs, as some think, one on each side, and therefore expressed in the plural number, "and of his flesh", a part of which was taken with the rib; this Adam knew, either being awake while she was made, though asleep when the rib was taken out; or by divine revelation, by an impress of it on his mind; or it might have been declared to him in a dream, while asleep, when, being in an ecstasy or trance, this whole affair was represented unto him: and this was "now" done, just done, and would be done no more in like manner; "this time" F15, this once, as many render it; so it was, but hereafter the woman was to be produced in the way of generation, as man: she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man:
her name was "Ishah", because taken from "Ish", as "vira" in Latin from "vir", and "woman" in our language from "man".


F15 (Meph taz) "hac vice", Pagninus, Montanus, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Vatablus, so the Targum; (touto apax) , Symmachus & Theodotion; "hoc semel", Fagius.