Proverbs 11:24

Proverbs 11:24

There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth
That scattereth "his own", as the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Arabic versions add: that disperses his money here and there, among many poor objects, plentifully and liberally; and his substance is so far from being lessened by such a conduct, that, by the blessing of God, it is increased more and more; or "become richer", as the Vulgate Latin; see ( Psalms 112:9 ) . So he that disperses and dispenses the word of God, and spreads the truths of the Gospel, and freely and fully preaches them, increases himself in spiritual knowledge and understanding; and [there is] that withholdeth more than is meet;
or, "right" or "just" F1, by the, laws of God and men; from himself, from his family, from his friends and relations, and from the poor of the church and of the world; and from the cause and interest of Christ, and what is necessary to support that, according to his ability; but [it tendeth] to poverty,
or "want" F2: such a man is often brought to beggary; there is a moth and rottenness sent into his substance, which secretly consume it: so he that withholds any truth or doctrine, that keeps back anything that may be profitable to the saints; this tends to the impoverishing: of his soul, and the souls of them that attend on his ministry.


F1 (rvym) "plus aequo", Vatablus, Mercerus, Gejerus; "plus quam aequum est", Cocceius; "prae quam rectum est, seu plus aequo", Michaelis.
F2 (rwoxml) "ad egestatem". Junius & Tremellius, Picator; "ad penuriam", Cocceius; "ad rasam egestatem", Schultens.