Isaiah 64


7. stirreth--rouseth himself from spiritual drowsiness.
take hold--( Isaiah 27:5 ).

8. father--( Isaiah 63:16 ).
clay . . . potter--( Isaiah 29:16 , 45:9 ). Unable to mould themselves aright, they beg the sovereign will of God to mould them unto salvation, even as He made them at the first, and is their "Father."

9. ( Psalms 74:1 Psalms 74:2 ).
we are . . . thy people--( Jeremiah 14:9 Jeremiah 14:21 ).

10. holy cities--No city but Jerusalem is called "the holy city" ( Isaiah 48:2 , 52:1 ); the plural, therefore, refers to the upper and the lower parts of the same city Jerusalem [VITRINGA]; or all Judea was holy to God, so its cities were deemed "holy" [MAURER]. But the parallelism favors VITRINGA. Zion and Jerusalem (the one city) answering to "holy cities."

11. house--the temple.
beautiful--includes the idea of glorious ( 13:1 , Acts 3:2 ).
burned--( Psalms 74:7 , Lamentations 2:7 , 2 Chronicles 36:19 ). Its destruction under Nebuchadnezzar prefigured that under Titus.
pleasant things--Hebrew, "objects of desire"; our homes, our city, and all its dear associations.

12. for these things--Wilt Thou, notwithstanding these calamities of Thy people, still refuse Thy aid ( Isaiah 42:14 )?