Acts 17:32

The resurrection of the dead (anastasin nekrwn). Rather, "a resurrection of dead men." No article with either word. The Greeks believed that the souls of men lived on, but they had no conception of resurrection of the body. They had listened with respect till Paul spoke of the actual resurrection of Jesus from the dead as a fact, when they did not care to hear more. Some mocked (oi men ecleuazon). Imperfect active of cleuazw, a common verb (from cleuh, jesting, mockery). Only here in the N.T. though late MSS. have it in Hebrews 2:13 (best MSS. diacleuazw). Probably inchoative here, began to mock. In contempt at Paul's statement they declined to listen further to "this babbler" (verse Hebrews 18 ) who had now lost what he had gained with this group of hearers (probably the light and flippant Epicureans). But others (oi de). A more polite group like those who had invited him to speak (verse Hebrews 19 ). They were unconvinced, but had better manners and so were in favour of an adjournment. This was done, though it is not clear whether it was a serious postponement or a courteous refusal to hear Paul further (probably this). It was a virtual dismissal of the matter. " It is a sad story--the noblest of ancient cities and the noblest man of history--and he never cared to look on it again" (Furneaux).