Matthew 4:5

Then the devil taketh him (tote paralambanei auton o diabolo). Matthew is very fond of this temporal adverb (tote). See already Deuteronomy 2:7 ; Deuteronomy 3:13 ; Deuteronomy 4:1 Deuteronomy 4:5 . Note historic present with vivid picturesqueness. Luke puts this temptation third, the geographical order. But was the person of Christ allowed to be at the disposal of the devil during these temptations? Alford so holds. On the pinnacle of the temple (epi to pterugion tou ierou). Literally "wing:" the English word "pinnacle" is from the Latin pinnaculum, a diminutive of pinna (wing). "The temple" (tou ierou) here includes the whole temple area, not just the sanctuary (o nao), the Holy Place and Most Holy Place. It is not clear what place is meant by "wing." It may refer to Herod's royal portico which overhung the Kedron Valley and looked down some four hundred and fifty feet, a dizzy height (Josephus, Ant. XV. xi. 5). This was on the south of the temple court. Hegesippus says that James the Lord's brother was later placed on the wing of the temple and thrown down therefrom.