


daughters of mankind were b, Gn 6:2
know what a b woman you are. Gn 12:11
Now the girl was very b, Gn 24:16
Rebekah, for she is a b woman. Gn 26:7
but Rachel was shapely and b. Gn 29:17
when she saw that he was b, Ex 2:2
woman was intelligent and b, 1Sm 25:3
Let a search be made for b young Est 2:2
praise from the upright is b. Ps 33:1
How b you are, my darling. Sg 1:15; 4:1
How b on the mountains are Is 52:7
which appear b on the outside, Mt 23:27
used to sit and beg at the B Gate Ac 3:10