


people began to c on the name Gn 4:26
I c heaven and earth as witnesses Dt 4:26
Then the LORD c-ed Samuel, 1Sm 3:4
I c-ed to the LORD in my distress; 2Sm 22:7
c on the name of your god, and I will c on the name of LORD. 1Kg 18:24
C on me in a day of trouble; Ps 50:15
I c to you from the ends of the earth Ps 61:2
is near all who c out to him, Ps 145:18
Doesn’t wisdom c out? Pr 8:1
Her children rise up and c her blessed. Pr 31:28
Woe to those who c evil good Is 5:20
c to him while he is near. Is 55:6
Even before they c, I will answer; Is 65:24
everyone who c-s on the name of Jl 2:32
I didn’t come to c the righteous, Mt 9:13
Why do you c me ‘Lord, Lord,’ Lk 6:46
He c-s his own sheep by name Jn 10:3
You c me Teacher and Lord. Jn 13:13
I do not c you servants anymore, Jn 15:15
those he c-ed, he also justified; Rm 8:30
everyone who c-s on the name of Rm 10:13
God’s heavenly c in Christ Jesus. Php 3:14
God has not c-ed us to impurity 1Th 4:7