


I will g this land to your offspring. Gn 12:7
The LORD g-s, and the LORD takes Jb 1:21
G thanks to the God of gods. Ps 136:2
if he is thirsty, g him water Pr 25:21
leech has two daughters: “G, G!” Pr 30:15
be born for us, a son will be g-n to us, Is 9:6
I will not g my glory to another Is 42:8
I will g you a new heart and Ezk 36:26
G us today our daily bread. Mt 6:11
Ask, and it will be g-n Mt 7:7
hungry and you gave me Mt 25:35
G, and it will be g-n to you; Lk 6:38
is my body, which is g-n for you. Lk 22:19
He gave them the right to be Jn 1:12
He gave his one and only Son, Jn 3:16
I g them eternal life, Jn 10:28
not g to you as the world g-s. Jn 14:27
since he himself g-s everyone life Ac 17:25
blessed to g than to receive. Ac 20:35
he himself gave some to be Eph 4:11
gave himself as a ransom for all, 1Tm 2:6
ready ... to g a defense to 1Pt 3:15