


God created the h-s and the earth. Gn 1:1
Most High, Creator of h and earth, Gn 14:19
h, the highest h, cannot contain 1Kg 8:27
When I observe your h-s, the work Ps 8:3
The h-s declare the glory of God, Ps 19:1
Your faithful love reaches to h, Ps 36:5
Who do I have in h but you? Ps 73:25
Let the h-s be glad and the earth Ps 96:11
For as high as the h-s are above Ps 103:11
time for every activity under h: Ec 3:1
create a new h and a new earth; Is 65:17
coming with the clouds of h. Dn 7:13
the kingdom of h has come near! Mt 3:2
The h-s suddenly opened for him, Mt 3:16
for yourselves treasures in h, Mt 6:20
H and earth will pass away, Mt 24:35
Who will go up to h? Rm 10:6
to the third h fourteen years ago. 2Co 12:2
but our citizenship is in h, Php 3:20
Christ did not enter a sanctuary ... but into h itself, Heb 9:24
that day the h-s will pass away 2Pt 3:10
I saw a new h and a new earth Rv 21:1