Judge (V)



May the LORD j between me and Gn 16:5
He is coming to j the earth. 1Ch 16:33
He j-s the world with righteousness; Ps 9:8
There is a God who j-s on earth! Ps 58:11
coming to j the earth. He will j the Ps 96:13
Do not j, so that you won’t be j-d. Mt 7:1
rather j according to righteous Jn 7:24
I did not come to j the world but Jn 12:47
that the saints will j the world? 1Co 6:2
who is going to j the living and 2Tm 4:1
who are you to j your neighbor? Jms 4:12
the dead were j-d according to Rv 20:12