


is the Passover s to the LORD, Ex 12:27
to obey is better than s, 1Sm 15:22
You do not delight in s and offering; Ps 40:6
You do not want a s, or I would Ps 51:16
The s pleasing to God is a broken Ps 51:17
faithful love and not s, Hs 6:6
I desire mercy and not s. Mt 9:13
your bodies as a living s, Rm 12:1
our Passover lamb has been s-d. 1Co 5:7
an acceptable s, pleasing to God. Php 4:18
need to offer s-s every day, Heb 7:27
of sin by the s of himself. Heb 9:26
offer up to God a s of praise, Heb 13:15
offer spiritual s-s acceptable to 1Pt 2:5